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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 18th, 2020

"Noooo it's your last day." Isobel frowns as she sits down in art.

"I know, but you'll still be able call me." Mia responds, moving her hands through her hair, pushing it behind her shoulders. She sat down beside Luke and continued with her sketch, despite not needing to considering she was moving colleges. She, Luke and Isobel were singing along to a song that was playing through Joanne's radio, the group of three laughing whenever people looked at them weirdly.

"I'm actually upset you're leaving this class, Amelia, you're a great student." Joanne says, making Mia frown.

"Thank you." Mia responds.

"I got you something." Isobel beams, the girl handing over a gift bag.

"Stop it." Mia whines, the girl upset to be leaving two of her closest friends.

"Open it." Isobel says, Mia looking at her before reaching inside the bag, pulling out a pandora box.

"No you didn't." Mia gasps, opening it to the ring she'd been tempted to buy for ages.

"Alright, I love Isobel more than anyone in the world." Mia laughs.

Meanwhile, Harvey was sitting in his car outside of Mia's college, staring at the sign in front of him whilst tapping his hands on the driving wheel. He knew her lesson was over soon, the boy wanting to talk to her about everything that had happened and why he ended things so abruptly. He smiled once he saw a few of her classmates leaving the building, noticing her electric blue hair before noticing anything else. He gets out of the car and stuffs his hands into his Supreme jacket, the blonde boy making his way to the bottom of the steps.

"Mia." Luke nudges her, the boy nodding his head in the direction of Harvey. She followed his eyeline, her eyes landing on the blonde mop of hair before she looked the boy in the eye.

"Let's just go." Mia shakes her head and huffs, walking down the steps and past him.

"Mia." Harvey calls, the girl ignoring him. Her, Isobel and Luke cross the street in hopes to get her away from him, Harvey managing to catch up with her.

"Leave me alone." Mia looks at the blonde boy standing in front of her.

"Can we please talk?" Harvey asks, Mia looking over at Luke and Isobel who looked at one another and shook their heads.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now