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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 31st, 2020

"Mia?" Harvey questions when he wakes up, looking to his side to see an empty bed. He furrows his eyebrows and looks around, the pink-haired boy sitting up to see if she was anywhere in his room. After realising she was nowhere to be seen, he frowned and got out of bed quickly, pulling on some joggers and a random shirt before walking out of his room.

He looked across to Max's room to see the door shut and looks over at the bathroom, the door wide open with the light turned on. He caught a glimpse of Mia's hair in the mirror and sighed in relief, the boy walking to the bathroom and leaning against the door frame as she curled her hair.

"Hey gorgeous." She looks at him with a soft smile.

"I thought you got kidnapped or something." Harvey admits, looking at her with tired eyes.

"Just trying to look good for someone's 18th Birthday." She reminds him, watching his face light up.

"Oh! It's my birthday!" He exclaims, making her laugh.

"You're very forgetful, Mr Mills." She looks over at him, Harvey moving off of the door frame to wrap his arms around her middle.

"Have you cut your own hair?" Harvey questions, noticing her hair was shorter at the front.

"I cut 'curtain bangs' into them after I showered." She informs him, the girl running a hand through her hair.

"And here I was thinking I couldn't fall anymore in love with you." Harvey admits, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her neck.

"It's a shame we're in Tier 4, both of our birthday plans got ruined." Mia sighs, turning off her curling wand.

"Did my Mum give you the card that your dad slipped through the letterbox?" Harvey questions, watching her nod.

"Not opened it, don't really want to." She shrugs.

"I don't blame you." He looks at her in the mirror before she turns in his grip, looking up at him.

"Happy Birthday my love." She smiles softly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

"Hey hey hey now, it's my birthday, surely I should get a better kiss than that." Harvey frowns. She rolls her eyes playfully and puts her hand on his cheek, pulling him into a passionate and lust filled kiss, Harvey not hesitating to kiss back.

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