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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 31st, 2020

"Wahayyy look who's here!" Luke cheers as Mia walks into the Nandos, their whole table cheering loudly.

"You guys are gonna get us kicked out." Isobel shushes them as Mia sits down beside Wes.

"What drink do you want Mia?" Luke asks as Mia looks at him.

"I've got a Fanta in my bag from earlier." Mia informs as he nods.

"The gang is back together again, granted three of you leave for Uni later this month." Bailey says as Wes, Ollie and Emma all nod.

"At least you're all local, it means we get more Nandos dates." Mia smiles as she takes her jacket off, hanging it off the back of her chair.

"How do you reckon our second year is gonna go?" Bailey asks as Luke, Izzie and Mia all shrug.

"I guarantee Mia dips and goes back to Berkshire." Wes says as he picks up a chip from his plate.

"Woah, why me?" Mia asks as Wes laughs.

"Your whole life is pretty much in Berkshire, Lia." Wes replies as Mia shrugs.

"Even if I do go back, I'll still come visit you lot." Mia replies, watching them all smile.

"That's her way of telling us she's dropped out." Luke intervenes, causing them all to laugh. The group of 7 sit in Nandos waiting for their food to arrive, Mia's phone going off in her pocket but she couldn't hear it with how much laughter was coming from their table.

"Mia try this." Ollie says as he hands his drink over to Mia.

"What is it?" She asks, watching the boy smirk slyly.

"Just try it, posh girl." Ollie retorts, watching Mia roll her eyes and take a sip of his white wine.

"I never expected you of all people to ever drink White Wine." Mia laughs as she hands it back.

"See, why don't you ever get drunk with us?" Luke asks, watching her shrug.

"It's that boyfriend isn't it?" Wes chimes in as Mia shakes her head.

"I just haven't found anything I like and please leave Harvey out of all of these conversations." Mia asks politely.

"Trouble in Paradise?" Emma asks, watching Mia shake her head.

"No, I just don't like how you all think I'm a bad influence on him." Mia laughs nervously as Luke shakes his head.

"We don't say that, we just think he's influenced you to be good, which we don't mind, every group needs a goody two shoes." Luke smirks.

"I am not a goody two shoes." Mia laughs as he rolls his eyes.

After another half an hour of talking and finishing off dessert, 6/7 of them decided to go to Wetherspoons, Bailey having to leave because he had work in the morning. Mia looks at her phone whilst they were walking, noticing the few messages from Harvey she'd missed. She presses the facetime button on his contact and waits a few seconds for him to answer, only for her to be told he was unavailable. She shrugs and puts her phone back in her pocket as they all sit down, Ollie buying the 6 of them a Strawberry Daiquiri Pitcher each. Surprisingly, Mia was the first one to finish her Pitcher and was waiting on everyone else to finish theirs. They ended up with another round of the pitchers before Mia decided she wanted to go home, so she, Luke and Isobel left the 3 Uni students to walk Mia home.

"Are you seriously tipsy?" Luke asks, noticing how Mia wasn't walking in a straight line.

"You just gave me two PITCHERS of alcohol, of course I'm tipsy." Mia laughs softly as she feels her phone buzzing in her back pocket. She takes it out and answers Harvey's facetime, her face popping up on the screen.

"Oh shit my lash is falling off." Mia snort-laughs, her two friends laughing at the noise.

"Note to self, do not give Mia alcohol." Harvey hears Luke say in the background as they reach Mia's house. She thanks the two of them before walking inside, struggling to get her shoes off of her feet.

"You're quiet, Mills." Mia exclaims as she hiccups.

"I'm just wondering why you've been drinking." Harvey shrugs as she looks at him. She takes off her false lashes and puts them down, rubbing her eyes with a makeup wipe whilst her phone stood in front of her leaning on a bottle of deodorant.

"We went to Wetherspoons after having dinner and Ollie bought us all pitchers." Mia responds as she wipes her eyeshadow off.

"Is that even allowed? I thought they had to ID you?" Harvey asks with confusion as his twin sits beside him.

"Well to be fair with the way we looked, we did look over 18 so they just didn't ask." Mia shrugs, throwing the makeup wipe away.

"You're all college students though?" Harvey continues asking questions whilst Mia stared at herself in her mirror.

"Ollie, Wes and Emma are in Uni, they were second years last year, we just used to hang around with them 'cause Wes is Izzie's step-brother." Mia informs him, watching her blonde-haired boyfriend nod softly.

"Just so long as you're okay." Harvey smiles as she nods.

"I'm great, don't worry about me." Mia smiles.

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