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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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January 25th, 2020

Mia smiles as she makes her way into work, the girls smiling and welcoming her to her first day of work kindly. She goes to the back to sign in as the other girls start opening the shop up, Mia putting her phone on silent before slipping it into her pocket. She made sure her work lanyard was around her neck as she walked back out onto the floor, going around the shop to clean up any racks and move some clothes that had been put in the wrong places.

"Mia, can we get you on tills?" Georgia asks as Mia nods, making her way over to the tills where Yasmine and Izzie were on. Mia scans the girls clothes, making sure the security tags were off of all of them before telling her the price. She went on to do this several more times, the time reaching 12 O'Clock quicker than she expected.

"Mia and Izzie you go on your dinners first." Hannah says to them as Mia makes her way to the back with Izzie.

"How's your first day at H&M going so far then Mia, I can call you Mia right?" Izzie asks as Mia takes her phone out of her pocket.

"It's going great, actually, and yeah you can call me Mia." She responds with a kind smile as Izzie grins. The two of them eat their lunch together, getting to know each other quite well before they went back out onto the floor to sort the clothes out again.

"Oh my god I'm gonna faint." Someone says as Mia stands in the changing rooms, waiting for more people to come in so she can give them the acrylic sign that says how many items they had.

"Please don't faint, I'm not very good at CPR." Mia jokes as the girl looks at her.

"You're Harvey's girlfriend." She responds in shock as Mia smiles.

"Hi." Mia laughs softly as she hands another girl an acrylic sign.

"Is this a dream?" She continues as Mia shakes her head.

"I am Harvey's girlfriend, you are correct." Mia grins as a girl comes out with her clothes, hanging them all on the rack.

"Wait you're so much prettier in real life." The girl compliments as Mia moves some hair behind her shoulder.

"I'm sorry darling, I'm at work at the moment. I'll be done in 20 minutes though." Mia admits as the girl nods.

"Can I uh- wait outside so I can get a photo with you?" She asks as Mia nods.

"Of course you can..." Mia stops, waiting for her to give Mia her name.

"Oh, I'm Daphne." She grins as Mia nods.

"I'll be done soon." Mia responds as Daphne smiles, disappearing out of the shop.

15 minutes later, Mia goes to the back of the shop and clocks off for the day, saying goodbye to her boss and her coworkers before leaving the shop. She spots Daphne and makes her way over to her and her group of friends, Daphne getting excited.

"Wow you are pretty." One of her friends says as Mia smiles. Daphne takes a selfie with her, Mia ending up with the 16 year old girls for a little while until she got a call from Harvey himself.

"You guys are adorable." Mia laughs as she answers the phone.

"Who's adorable? Me, Yeah I know." Harvey says sarcastically as Mia laughs.

"Hey bub, everything okay?" Mia asks as the girls all look at each other.

"Yes! I just wanted to know how your first day at work went." Harvey exclaims like an excited child.

"It was great, I met a few of your followers." Mia responds, Harvey smiling to himself on the other end of the phone.

"Were they nice?" Harvey asks as Mia takes her phone from her ear.

"Ask them yourself." Mia replies, putting her phone on speaker.

"Were you nice to Mia?" Harvey asks, causing the girl to laugh.

"Yes we were! She's very pretty!" Daphne says as Harvey laughs.

"I know she is." Harvey responds.

After 15 minutes, Mia had to make her way to the bus stop so she said goodbye to the girls and made her way to her stop.

"They were sweet." Mia says to Harvey as Harvey grins.

"I love you gorgeous." Harvey responds with pure and genuine love as Mia smiles to herself.

"I love you too."

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now