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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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January 2nd, 2020

Harvey grins as he sits with his back against Mia's chest, her legs on either side of his body and her arms wrapped around his middle. Max takes a snapchat video of them both, putting it on his story with a throwing up emoji and tagging them both in it before he puts his phone away. The sunset was finally upon them, Mia happy to finally get out of the heat she'd been sat in all day. Harvey had been by her side the entire day, not wanting to leave her once because he felt so full of love that he just wanted to share it with her. Mia's hand absentmindedly plays with his hair, Harvey nearly falling asleep at the feeling because of how soft she was being with him

"How big are your shoes?" Harvey notices, the girl laughing as she moves her feet around.

"I've been wearing these all day and you've only just noticed that they're chunky?" Mia asks, causing the twin to roll his eyes.

"I'd rather look at your gorgeous face then your chunky shoes." Harvey retorts as Mia laughs.

"You're so full of it." Mia replies, the boy slapping her leg lightly.

"You're beautiful, don't think otherwise." Harvey says with pure and genuine love. She smiles, kissing the top of his head as he grabs one of her hands and kisses it softly. Tilly grins as she watches the action, the girl having finally found a girl that liked her brother for who he actually is and not for his job. Tilly also loved the fact Mia was sweet and kind and would play with her whenever she was over, unlike Katie who wouldn't even bat an eyelid at the little girl.

"Mia can you braid Harvey's hair yet?" Tilly asks as Mia shrugs.

"I still think it's too short." Mia replies, the boy moving so she could kneel and attempt it. Her attempt went terribly wrong, his hair being too soft to even get into a plait in the first place.

"It baffles me how you can do that on your own head." Harvey says as Mia sits back down, Harvey lying back down into her chest. Sara and Paul smile as they watch Harvey shut his eyes, the boy just wanting his girlfriend to hold him all night. For the rest of the evening, the family made jokes, made conversation amongst each other and even witnessed Mia and Harvey fall asleep on their sun-lounger. Mia was the first one to wake up after someone caught her hair whilst trying to get past them, pulling her hair in the process. She sits up, massaging the place where her head hurts before she tugs on Harvey's hair to see if he would wake up.

"Can you stop?" Harvey asks her, causing her to laugh.

"Alright, all of us are gonna get to bed. Are you staying on deck?" Sara asks, watching Harvey nod.

"Alright, Leo you stay with Tilly and Max tonight alright?" Paul informs the youngest brother as he nods. The family say goodbye to the couple, disappearing in a matter of seconds as Mia stands up so she could fight off the pins and needles in her legs.

"You look cute today." Harvey compliments as she walks back and forth in front of him.

"Thank you." Mia smiles before her pins and needles disappear. Harvey stands up as she begins wandering to the front of the cruise ship, grabbing both of their phones and key cards before following her.

"It's so pretty." Mia says as she leans on the railing, looking out over the sea.

"I can't believe it's almost over." Harvey frowns as Mia looks at him.

"It's upsetting that as soon as I get back from the airport, I have to go straight home, change, repack everything then go to Manchester for college." Mia copies the frown, the boy sighing.

"Do you have to go to college?" Harvey asks as she laughs.

"Yes, I do, unfortunately for you." Mia responds as he wraps his arms around her middle.

"We're not recreating the titanic scene, Harv." Mia comments as she laughs.

"I just want to cuddle you." Harvey says as he lets go of her.

"Let's sit down somewhere then." Mia says as he finds a seat for them both at the front of the ship. The two of them sit down, returning to their position from earlier as Mia plays with his hair in content.

"I'm due a new phone soon, I forgot about that." Mia says after checking her messages.

"Get an iPhone 11." Harvey says as she laughs.

"I'll probably get the newest one that's out so it lasts for the next 2 years." Mia replies as he takes her phone from her to inspect it.

"Everything I do for you and I'm not even your lock screen." Harvey scoffs as Mia laughs.

"Hold it down." Mia replies as he furrows his eyebrows but does it anyway, photos of her and Harvey coming up.

"I had to hide it from my dad, so one of your followers made this." Mia grins as Harvey smiles.

"I like that they're not awful to you, like if you were someone like Niall Horan's girlfriend you'd probably get so much hate," Harvey says as Mia laughs.

"If I was Niall Horan's girlfriend, I'd be dead." Mia replies as Harvey laughs too.

The two of them end up talking for a lot longer than expected, the sun starting to rise when they finally started to get tired and mopey. They both agreed to watch the sunrise before making their way back to their rooms, Mia slightly more excited about the thought of her bed rather than watching the sunrise.

"Wait it's so pretty." Mia says as the golden light hits them both.

"Wait, don't move." Harvey says as she looks at him, the boy holding his phone up to get a photo of her. He puts his phone away moments later just as she gets hers out, realising so many people had added her on Snapchat after Max tagged her in that video. She adds a few of them back before she takes a cute video of her and Harvey together, the boy looking gorgeous whilst the light hit him.

"I love you." Harvey says to her when she puts her phone away.

"I love you too." Mia responds before they finally make their way back to their rooms. Mia kisses Harvey softly before they make their way back to their cabins.

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