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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 25th, 2019

Mia and Harvey both make it to the living room moments after Mia finished her hair, plonking themselves down on the same sofa as Max who was just 'resting his eyes'. His eyes soon open when he feels Mia's presence beside him, smiling at her kindly to which she replies with the same expression.

"Open this last." Sara says to Mia, handing her an envelope.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything." Mia informs as Sara shakes her head.

"You're family to us now, Millie." Sara comments as Mia smiles. She hands her boyfriend the envelope before walking to the Christmas Tree, grabbing all the presents she'd gotten for the family before making her way back to the living room.

"Uh, they all have names on." Mia says as Tilly and Leo's eyes light up.

"You didn't need to get us anything Mia, how've you managed to get all of this?" Paul asks, knowing her Father would probably have gone apeshit if Mia bought any of them presents.

"I used the money my dad gives me for my birthday." Mia says quietly as the entire family looks at her in shock.

"Mia you shouldn't have." Sara comments as Mia shakes her head.

"I wanted to, you guys are more family to me then my dad is." Mia shrugs as she sits back down beside Harvey. Max grabs a giant box from beside the sofa and puts it in front of Mia, Tilly putting a box on top of that one as Mia smiles to herself. Mia watches as Tilly opens all of her presents, the girl tucking her feet beneath her legs to keep her warm.

"Yay! Thank you Bubby!" Tilly squeals as she shows her parents all the slime she got. Leo opens his next, hugging Mia tightly after he sees the phone case she got him.

"Mia this is gorgeous." Sara comments, admiring the bag Mia had bought her after Freddie ripped hers. Harvey looks at his girlfriend who had the biggest smile on her face, pulling her closer to him so she was warm, Harvey knowing his girlfriend got cold very easily.

"Wait how'd you know my size?" Max asks the girl as she looks over at him holding the pair of shoes in his hands.

"Well you do have a twin brother, Max." Mia responds sarcastically as he laughs.

"I love how many Kinder Happy Hippos you've shoved in here." Max laughs.

"I think I bought like 10 boxes and used 9 and a half." Mia informs him,  the boy smiling before hugging her softly. Paul opens his present and smiles, thanking Mia for the new jacket before the family tell her to open her presents. She opens the present from Leo and Tilly first, smiling as she pulls out a new handbag that she can use for college. She thanks the two younger Mills before opening Max's present, the two of them high-fiving each other as she pulls out a tonne of new Art supplies.

"Thank you guys." Mia speaks as they all smile, watching her sit back. Harvey places the white envelope she handed him earlier back in her lap, Sara and Paul looking at each other with a devious smile as she uses her nail to open it up. She pulls out the ticket, her mouth dropping open as both Max and Harvey lean forward to see what it was, the two of them copying Mia's expression.

"How-What- are you for real?" Mia asks in shock as the Mills' parents nod.

"We have Lucee's permission, I assume she's run it by your father. We got a passport sorted for you, I'm pretty sure you went with Lucee to get those photos done." Sara says as Mia thinks for a second.

"Wait, that's why she got my photo taken, I thought she just wanted it for a project at her school." Mia laughs as the two nods. Both Tilly and Leo look at the ticket for the Cruise in her hand, jumping up and down in excitement as the twins join in. Mia stands up, making her way to Sara and Paul and hugging them both tightly, almost making Sara tear up at her reaction.

"Thank you." Mia smiles, trying her hardest not to cry out of happiness. Sara smiles at her as she hugs Paul again before being dragged to Harvey, the boy hugging her tightly.

"I almost forgot, Happy 17th Birthday." Harvey grins as she laughs.

"Thank you love." Mia kisses him softly before nestling her head in his chest.

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