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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 20th, 2020

"I don't know whether to go red or orange." Mia informs Harvey as they walk down the street hand-in-hand.

"Red suits you, so go with red." Harvey comments as she smiles.

"Are you saying red suits me or are you saying get red because it's your favourite colour?" Mia raises her eyebrow, watching him smile softly.

"I love you." He replies, Mia laughing at the response before she pecks his lips.

"I love you too." She replies as they reach the hairdressers. Mia walks in, the ginger husky racing over to her at full speed as she kneels down to say hello to it.

"Auntie Val?" Mia calls, watching as her 32 year old Auntie walks into the hallway.

"Ah, I knew it was you just by how excited Wes got." She says as the dog spins in circles for a second before running off.

"Thank you for doing my hair Val." Mia says as she walks into the living room.

"I know Nana used to do it for you and you've never really touched it since so, I figured I'd do it for you considering I also learnt from the best." Val smiles at her as Harvey stands behind Mia.

"This must be the boyfriend your dad warned at his Engagement Party?" Val asks, watching Harvey nod.

"He warned you? Warned you of what?" Mia asks Harvey, watching the blonde shake his head.

"Doesn't matter." He replies as she narrows her eyes at him but doesn't bother pressing further into the information.

"Alright, get yourself sat down Lia and I'll start on it." Val says as Mia sits down, Harvey sitting on the sofa as the dog runs over to him.

"You've managed to do well with splitting your hair Mia, just a few strands too little." Val explains as she pins half of Mia's hair up so it's out of the way.

"Where's Ollie today?" Mia asks as Val shrugs.

"Probably with his weird mates." Val responds.

"I love how all of us kids turned out relatively nice and then Ollie managed to get himself involved with the chavs." Mia laughs.

"It's Tommo's fault, he's the one who's mates with all the chavs as well." Val sighs as she begins bleaching Mia's hair.

"You know you didn't have to come with me Harvey." Mia says, her boyfriend looking up from his phone.

"I know, I just wanted too." He smiles softly, Val trying to hide her smile from the two.

"You've got a keeper there Lia, I remember when Jamie used to come with me to all my hairdressers appointments." Val informs Mia.

"I go everywhere with her, I don't like leaving her to do stuff on her own." Harvey replies which makes both girls smile.

"Boys like that are worth it though, your Dad used to do that for your Mum." Val comments as she continues to bleach the under-half of Mia's hair.

"What actually made them split up? Dad told me it was something to do with her Mum but I never bought it." Mia asks, rubbing her tired eyes softly.

"Your Mum cheated on him with Thomas, believe it or not our Fred and Thomas used to be best mates." Val informed her, Mia furrowing her eyebrows in disappointment.

"That's why your dad ended up with custody of you, because your Mum was too busy with Thomas and Cara. Granted your dad started working abroad when you were young so you spent most of your time around us but, you get what I mean." Val continues.

"Imagine if Mum never cheated, what do you reckon would've happened?" Mia asks with intrigue, watching Val look at her through the mirror.

"You'd be living in France." Val admits, watching Mia's face drop in shock.

"Sorry, France?" Harvey asks as Mia's Auntie nods.

"Fred and Maisie were planning on moving to France just after she finished her second year at Uni but then she cheated, and your Dad didn't want to move anymore." Val comments as Mia moves a loose strand out of her face. The three of them conversed back and forth for a while whilst the bleach set on Mia's hair, her Auntie Val rinsing it before going to the back to mix up the red hair dye.

"It's crazy to think that if my Mum wasn't a dirty dog, I wouldn't have known you." Mia looks at Harvey who just frowns.

"But imagine if I was French, my oh my." Mia continues.

"You're still gorgeous to me either way." Harvey shrugs as Mia rolls her eyes playfully.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm tryna be serious." Harvey crosses his arms over his chest like a child, pouting at his girlfriend who was giggling at him.

"Alright, is this alright for you Mia?" Val asks as she walks out.

"Perfect." Mia responds as her Auntie nods, the woman brushing it onto Mia's hair moments later. Her and Harvey have a conversation about college whilst the hair dye was doing it's magic, Mia's aunt smiling every so often whenever Harvey would compliment her niece. After half an hour of the dye being in, Valerie rinses it out for Mia before trimming it, drying it and curling it for her.

"And you're all done." Val smiles as Mia grins too.

"Thank you Auntie Val." Mia replies as Val wipes her hands on her apron.

"No problem doll." Val says before Mia pays. Her and Harvey say goodbye before walking out of the hairdressers hand in hand, Harvey looking at her every few minutes just to admire how pretty she looked to him.

"The red was definitely the way to go." Harvey whispers as she smiles.

"You're cheeky." Mia laughs as they make their way back to his house.

"Mia's got red hair!" She hears Max shout as they walk inside.

"Mia's got red hair?" Sara calls back in confusion before walking into the hallway.

"Oh wow, that's actually really nice." Sara smiles as Mia thanks her.

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