906 16 4

October 10th, 2018

Mia sighs as she and Cara walk into the cafeteria to get their lunch. Mia grabs herself a biscuit and a bottle of water, paying for it with her fingerprint before she stands and waits for Cara. Once Cara had gotten her dinner, the two stand together to look for a table, the only open spot being right near the entrance. Mia sits down, Cara sitting across from her before the two of them start eating.

"So, how's the portrait coming along?" Cara asks as Mia shows her the photo of the half-finished portrait of Harry Styles.

"Not long left to go, actually." Mia grins as Cara looks at her.

"How long did you do that for this weekend?" Cara says as Mia counts it up in her head.

"About 28 hours." Mia says as Cara nearly chokes on her chicken.

"You overwork yourself Mia." Her step-sister comments as Mia shrugs.

"I've got nothing else to do." Mia replies as she looks up, Harvey staring at her from his table on the other side of the room. She looks back down and focuses on her dinner as Katie walks over to the table with Jaiden and Sammi following.

"Hey Cheater." Katie says as Mia looks up.

"Katie, can you leave her alone for one day? Leave her in peace for crying out loud." Cara says as Katie gives her a dirty look.

"Back to what I was saying, you think it's appropriate to chat up my ex boyfriend do you?" Katie says as Mia furrows her eyebrows.

"I'm not chatting anyone up." Mia says as Katie scoffs.

"So you and Harvey haven't been talking have you?" Katie says as she shakes her head.

"I only work with him in Drama." Mia shrugs as Katie laughs. Harvey keeps his eye on the table, paying close attention to Mia considering Katie literally hated her.

"Bullshit, Mia. You're not as innocent as you make out to be, bitch." Katie responds before throwing her glass of chocolate milkshake on her. Jaiden and Sammi look at Katie, giving her a judgemental look before looking at Mia.

"Kate that was too far." Sammi says as Katie looks at them both before running out of the cafeteria so she doesn't get into trouble.

"Max, distract the cafeteria for me." Harvey says as Max looks at his twin.

"Why?" Max asks as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Please, just listen to me, distract them." Harvey says as Max thinks quick on his feet, standing up and yelling 'Food Fight' as the entire cafeteria start throwing food everywhere. Harvey grabs his bag and makes a dash towards the exit Mia was sat by. She just sat there doing nothing, not really knowing what to do with herself as Harvey grabs her arm and pulls her up, pulling her out of the cafeteria as he takes his blazer off to give to her. Mia stays silent in shock, her uniform completely ruined after the incident happened.

"Wear that so you don't get into trouble." Harvey says as he pulls the sleeves of his jumper down.

"If this is your way of apologising, I don't care." Mia responds as Harvey shakes his head as the two of them reach the school building.

"Look at me." Harvey says as she stops walking, looking at him like he asked.

"I promise, I promise you right here right now, it wasn't me who told anyone about Lucee. Max said Jaiden overheard you say it to me on the way home and she texted everyone in the year group. I wouldn't do that to you, I care too much about you to hurt you." Harvey says as Mia starts to feel bad because of how genuine he was being.

"I'm sorry for blaming you, but my school uniform is dripping with Milkshake so can I please go inside and get it sorted out?" Mia asks as she laughs, watching Harvey nod. He holds the door open for her as she walks into the hallway and into the office, talking to the principal about her incident before she's allowed to go home to change.

"I forgot my blazer this morning." Harvey says as the principal nods.

"Well you go home and get that too." He replies as Harvey nods. The two of them leave the school building together, walking back to Mia's house first so she can change.

"Wow, this is very white." Harvey says as Mia laughs.

"My dad hates any colour, the only room that looks nice is mine." Mia responds as she makes her way upstairs, Harvey waiting for her in the doorway. She comes back down wearing a pleated black skirt and tights, not sporting her usual pants.

"I didn't think you owned a skirt." Harvey says as she laughs.

"It's an emergency skirt, hence why I'm wearing it." Mia says as he nods. She puts her uniform in the washing machine, grabbing the spare blazer she had before giving Harvey his back.

"Thanks for lending me the blazer." She grins as Harvey smiles.

"No problem Parkinson." Harvey responds as the two leave her house.

"Does this mean you'll be my partner in Drama again? I can't cope with the other group." Harvey says as she laughs.

"I guess." Mia responds as he smiles, hugging her and kissing her forehead without knowing what he was actually doing.

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