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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 5th, 2020

"Morning." Lucee beams as she looks as Mia, the girl looking disheveled.

"Have you slept?" Her step-mum questions, Mia shaking her head in response.

"I've had about 2 hours since Wednesday." Mia yawns, sitting down at the breakfast bar.

"Mia you need to sleep love, you can't keep yourself awake, it's not good for your mental health." Lucee rubs her arm, Mia leaning her head on the table.

"I just don't understand what I did wrong." Mia responds.

"You didn't do anything wrong, maybe when we're next in Berkshire you guys can sort it out." Lucee sits down across from her, Mia looking up from the table.

"Yeah, I doubt that. He's not answered any of my messages, I've given up at this point." Mia huffs, moving so she could tie her hair up.

"Well it's a good job we're going back to Berkshire." Lucee responds, Mia looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" Mia questions.

"Your Father and I decided it was time for me to go back to Berkshire, and I got my old job back at Yateley so we're officially going back." Lucee smiles.

"When?" Mia's ears perk up.

"Next week." Lucee beams.

"What about college?" Mia questions.

"Your father got you an interview with a college in Berkshire and one in London." Lucee calms her, Mia nodding softly.

"What shall we do today?" Lucee asks.

"Watch films and eat junk food." Mia responds, the girl wrapping her blanket around her tightly.

"I thought you wanted to go into town and get some photos for your project?" Lucee furrows her eyebrows, watching Mia shake her head.

"I'll do it with Luke and Isobel next week, I just wanna watch films." Mia replies. The two finished eating their breakfast before making their way upstairs to Lucee's room. Both of them lay in her bed with Cars playing on the screen, one of Mia's favourite films, Mia trying to distract her thoughts from Harvey. Any notification she heard come her phone, she picked it up to see if Harvey's name was there, and instead she got Twitter notifications or Facebook notifications.

"Pass me your phone." Lucee states, Mia furrowing her eyebrows but handing it over to her anyway.

"I'm keeping it until tonight, you need to have a break from looking at it every 20 seconds. Get some sleep." Lucee tells her, Mia sighing before shutting her eyes to go to sleep.

Lucee smiled once she heard her breathing slow down, the older woman going downstairs to get another drink. She sat through another two films before Mia woke up, the girl in desperate need of something to eat.

"Can I order takeaway?" Mia asks, Lucee nodding. She hands her phone back, Mia ordering them both a takeaway before getting up to go have a quick shower.

Once she'd finished, she plaited her hair and made her way back to Lucee who had recieved their takeaway only 2 minutes before she'd finished.

"Yay, I'm genuinely so excited to eat this." Mia laughs, sitting back down as Lucee clicks on a random film on Disney+.

"I've been wanting to watch this for ages." Lucee says, Mia noticing the Hamilton music instantly. She looked up at the TV and looked right back down at her phone, the girl picking it up after finally receiving a message, however this one from her Auntie Koreen.

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