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September 7th, 2018

Mia smiles as she walks down to the sports hall in her GCSE PE kit, the white writing on the back spelling her last name out, the boys all high-fiving her as she walks in.

"I was getting a little worried you weren't in Mia, starting to think our star Football Player was off sick." Isaac says as she smiles.

"Never my friend, I'll never leave you in the dirt." Mia laughs as the boys all made their way down to the football pitches outside. It was cold outside, it rained the previous night too, but none of them cared because they were playing football for the first time in months.

"Alright, our team captains are Mia and Max today." Coach Stevens says as the twins look at each other. They knew Mia did GCSE PE but they were confused as to why she did it with the boys when other girls were told they weren't allowed.

"Alright, Max's team are on bibs." Stevens says as the boys pick up the bibs. Mia stands in the centre circle in front of the twin, the two of them concentrating for when Stevens blew the whistle. Mia swiftly takes the ball under her foot when she hears the whistle, turning on her left foot and passing the ball to her teammate. Max was in a little shock to say the least, but carried on with his gameface. The opposing team managed to get the ball from Isaac, the boy passing it over to Harvey who felt like he could hit the goal.

Mia swiftly changes his mind as she slide tackles the ball from under him, mud covering her leg, tripping the tall boy up in the process. He falls on the ground beside her, breathing heavily as she gets up and wipes her hands on her shorts.

"Need a little help there Harvey?" She asks as she stands over him with a grin.

"I think so." Harvey says as she holds her hand out for him to take. He takes it, letting her help him up as he thanked her.

"Next time I'll try not to kick your feet from under you." She grins before she's passed the ball. She kicks it across the pitch from where she's stood, watching it land in the bottom left corner of the opposite team's net.

"How- what-." Harvey stutters as she smiles.

"That's the trick you were trying to pull, right?" Mia asks as he laughs.

"I should've been on your team I swear." Harvey laughs as she smiles.

"Next time I'll choose you first, promise." She responds before she's called over by her team. She pats his shoulder and runs down the other end of the pitch for halftime, Harvey smiling as Max walks over to him.

"You're not meant to make nice with the other team, Harvey." Max says as Harvey shrugs.

"Can't help it." Harvey responds, shrugging before his team went for halftime too.

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