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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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January 4th, 2020

"Mia, are you okay?" Max asks as he rubs his tired eyes, the girl sitting in the bathroom of their room with her head against the cabinets and her feet against the door.

"I think I've got heat exhaustion." Mia whispers as Max frowns.

"On the last day too." Max responds before sitting beside her.

"I genuinely never get sick, so this is a first." Mia sighs as she moves her hair out of her face.

"Well everyones getting up now, do you want me to tell Harvey?" She asks, the girl shaking her head.

"I don't want to ruin his last day, just tell him I'm still asleep or something." Mia says as Max nods, helping the girl up. She plods back to her bed and falls back onto it, feeling too warm to get back inside the covers. After 45 minutes, Max and Tilly disappeared from the room as Mia scrolled through Instagram, liking a few things before going onto Tik Tok. Mia receives a message from Harvey a couple minutes later, the girl not opening the app to read it but instead reads the preview at the top of her screen. She ignores it after she's told by Max that he told Harvey she was still asleep, Mia thanking the other twin before she sits up and decides to plait her hair so it wasn't making her sweat.

"Mia, open the door." Harvey says, scaring her half to death. She looks at her phone to see a missed call from Max, and a few messages saying that Harvey had seen Max texting her and was upset.

"One second." Mia sighs, letting go of the plait she was halfway through. She makes her way over to the door, opening it and making herself dizzy as Harvey looks at her.

"You look like you're dying." Harvey says softly as Mia shakes her head.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit dizzy." Mia replies as he walks in after her, shutting the door behind him.

"Mia you're boiling." Harvey says after feeling her forehead.

"I've only got heat exhaustion, Harv, it's nothing to worry about." Mia sighs as she starts doing her second plait.

"Mia you're sick, Max told me you got up like 4 times last night to throw up." Harvey says as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise." She replies, Harvey sitting down on her bed as he watches her plait her hair.

"Have you been sharing a bed with Tilly?" Harvey asks as she nods lightly, careful not to make herself dizzy.

"She slept with Max last night though, I kept waking her up and I felt awful so I told her to go with Max." Mia informs as Harvey nods.

"You don't need to stay with me you know, I've had this before, I've just never thrown up." Mia comments as she finished off her hair, turning to look at him.

"But-" Harvey goes to say but she cuts him off.

"Go enjoy the last day, okay? I don't want to keep you in here. I'm tired and I feel like shit to say the least." Mia scolds the boy as he sighs.

"I wanna look after you." Harvey says quietly, looking at his hands.

"I'm not letting myself ruin your day, go enjoy your last day, please." Mia pleads, watching him frown.

"What are you gonna do?" Harvey asks as she rubs her eyes.

"Sleep, and if I feel any better when I wake up, I'll come find you guys." Mia sighs, watching the boy nod as he finally gives in.

"Please text me if you need anything." Harvey pleads as she nods.

"Now go." She pecks his lips before watching him leave the room.

Around 3 hours later, Mia had woken up from her 'nap' and felt a little bit better, but was still sweating profusely and didn't have an appetite whatsoever. She checks her phone to see a few messages from Harvey telling her they were on the beach if she was awake yet, Mia replying with a thumbs up and a heart before she gets out of bed. She changes into some biker shorts and a jumper, tying up her white trainers before grabbing her phone and her key card. She leaves the room and makes a bee-line to the dining hall to get a bottle of water before she makes her way off the ship. She pulls her sunglasses down as she notices Tilly and Max play-fighting, making her way over to them.

"Oh! Are you feeling any better darling?" Sara asks as Mia sits down beside her in the shade.

"A little bit, I don't feel as dizzy as I did this morning." Mia replies as Sara nods.

"Keep yourself hydrated, have you had anything to eat?" Sara continues as she watches Mia shake her head.

"I didn't think you would, if you want anything tell me and I'll go get you some fruit." Sara smiles as Mia nods.

"Thank you." Mia beams as she looks back at Max and Tilly who were playing football with each other. Harvey, Leo and Paul appear out of nowhere as they join in, Harvey eventually getting bored as he makes his way to his mum before finally noticing Mia.

"Hey! I didn't even see you." Harvey laughs as he sits on the edge of her sun-lounger.

"I'm too hard to recognise am I?" Mia jokes as Harvey kisses the top of her hand softly.

"I'm glad you feel better." Harvey smiles as Mia returns the gesture.

"How's your day been?" Mia asks before Harvey starts talking about his day with her.

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