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April 1st, 2020

Harvey frowns as he watches Mia walk out of the house with Sara, the two of them going shopping for the week rather than Paul going because he was asleep still. He goes back upstairs, his twin brother looking at him with a tilted head before Harvey flops onto Max's bed in a huff.

"She'll be back in an hour." Max laughs as he sits down.

"I know, I'm just bored." Harvey shrugs as Max rolls his eyes.

"Here, let's have a game." Max says, handing his brother a controller. The two of them have a game of Fortnite against each other, Harvey coming in 1st, Max coming in 7th. Max rolls his eyes in frustration and turns the console off, the two of them returning to their bored state from a mere 15 minutes ago.

"I'll be back in a second." Harvey says as Max nods, the boy going to the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror, his eyes landing on the various things Mia had left in there. He picks up a bottle of face cream, inspecting it before walking out of the bathroom to his twins room.

"Mia's got some cool stuff for her skin you know." Harvey says as Max looks at him.

"Harvey don't go through her stuff." Max responds, watching him shrug.

"I'm intrigued." Harvey bubbles, going back to the bathroom. Max rolls his eyes and follows Harvey, the two of them cooped up in the bathroom together.

"What the hell is this?" Harvey asks as he spreads it across his face.

"No clue." Max shrugs, taking the bottle from his brother and applying it to his face too.

"It says wait 5 minutes before rinsing." Max informs his brother, Harvey setting a timer on his phone.

5 minutes later, the two of them wash their faces and look at themselves in the mirror. Max was pleasantly surprised at how soft his skin was, Harvey also just as surprised. They do another treatment on their skin, neither of them expecting Mia to be home anytime soon. When they wash off their faces again, Max's eyes widen at how red Harvey's face has gone.

"Harvey you've gone bright red." Max laughs, the boy looking at himself in the mirror frantically.

"Shit, what am I gonna do?" Harvey queries, panicking considering he just heard Sara call his name.

"Wash your face again, I'll distract Mia." Max suggests, the two of them nodding at each other before Max leaves the bathroom and goes downstairs.

"Hey, do you guys need some help?" Max asks cheerily as Mia looks at them.

"I think we should be alright, thank you though." Sara grins softly as Max nods hesitantly.

"Where's Harvey?" Mia asks, Max thinking for a second.

"He's asleep upstairs." Max responds, knowing she would go upstairs to bother him.

"He shouldn't be." Mia furrows her eyebrows as Max bites his lip.

"I guess he's just tired." Max shrugs as Mia narrows his eyes at him.

"What are you guys up to?" Mia queries, Max begin to panic a little.

"Nothing, everythings fine." Max responds as Mia looks him up and down before she continues to put the shopping away with Sara. Max sighs in relief, turning around for a split second as Mia slips past him, his eyes widening when he realises who's just walked past him.

"Mia he's asleep!" Max calls, chasing after her. She gets to the top of the first set of stairs as Max gets to the bottom, the boy chasing her. She laughs as she runs up the next set of stairs and into Harvey's room, the boy not in there.

"Harvey, love." Mia calls just as Max reaches the top of the stairs.

"Max I told you to distract her!" Harvey whines as he blocks the bathroom door.

"Let me in." Mia says as Max shakes his head.

"Never." Max jokes around, the girl poking his side which causes him to jump away from her. She opens the bathroom door to see Harvey facing the wall in attempts to hide his face from her.

"What did you do?" Mia asks, Harvey slowly turning around. Mia bites her lip to stop herself from laughing, Harvey beginning to laugh at how red he was.

"Max and I may have used your skincare stuff, and I think I've had an allergic reaction." Harvey admits as Mia laughs.

"Don't tell me off, please." Harvey adds in as she smiles at him.

"It's fine, I don't mind if you use it, I just wouldn't advise you to use it anymore." Mia says as he walks forward and wraps his arms around her.

"Do you have anything to help cool it down?" Harvey asks as Mia shakes her head.

"I'd just sleep on it." Mia replies, the boy nodding gently.

"Now come on Cherry, your Mum needs help." Mia grins as he groans at the nickname.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now