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January 25th, 2019

Mia sighs as she finishes tying her shoes, standing up to leave the changing rooms when she's stopped by the female teacher.

"Necklace off Parkinson, you know the rules." She says as Mia sighs in frustration, walking back to her stuff and unclasping the necklace. She puts it in her pocket and walks back out, making her way down to the football pitches where the lads were going to be. Katie furrows her eyebrows as she goes to Mia's blazer and plucks the necklace from her pocket, inspecting it before realising it was the necklace Harvey bought Mia, something she overheard from his twin brother. She makes sure no one is looking when Katie slips it into her blazer and leaves like nothing else happened.

"Alright, come on girls!" The teacher calls as Katie dashes out of the changing rooms and goes to the girls. The girls are taken outside to do cross country around the field, the boys in the middle of the field having a game of football.

"Okay, team captains are Mia and Isaac." Coach Stevens calls as Isaac tells Mia to choose first.

"Harvey." She says, Harvey smiling at her as he walks over to stand with her. Isaac chooses a bunch of his friends, Mia getting both twins and a few of the people on the football team before Mia and Isaac stand in the middle, the ball in between them.

"Good luck Parkinson." Isaac says as Mia smirks.

"You too Gregory." She responds before Stevens blows the whistle. Mia misses the balls by a few seconds, Isaac kicking it to someone on his team as Mia throws her hands up in frustration.

By the end of the lesson, her team had lost by 1 nil, Mia having missed the goal because she got tripped up and nearly sprained her ankle.

"You okay now?" Harvey asks as Mia nods.

"Just dandy." Mia laughs as they make their way inside.

"I'll see you after okay?" Harvey says as she nods. She walks back into the changing rooms, going into her pocket to put her necklace on but not finding it. She begins to panic after she checks all of her pockets as Katie sits back and watches with a smirk.

"Shit shit shit." Mia worries as the bell goes for the end of the day. Mia barely even touches her uniform as everyone else walks out, Katie giggling to herself when she notices just how panicked she was. Once everyone left, Mia starts crying in frustration before grabbing her uniform and shoving it into her bag, not bothering to change.

When she walks out of the changings rooms, Max, Harvey, Dobby, Tom, Emily and Cara are all waiting for her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cara says as she nods, wiping her stray tears quickly.

"I'm guessing Miss told you to take your necklace off?" Max asks as she nods hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'll probably put it back on after my shower later." Mia comments as he nods, Harvey smiling to himself.

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