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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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October 25th, 2019

Mia sighs as she gets out of bed for college, going to her bathroom just as Lucee leaves for work. She hops in the shower and washes her hair, taking her time when she definitely shouldn't have because she was going to be late for tutor group. She only realises that she needed to hurry up when her alarm for her getting the bus goes off. She jumps out of the shower quickly, snagging her necklace on her towel which causes it to snap.

"No!" Mia whines as the charm falls on the floor. She picks it up and runs back to her room, pulling on a random outfit and chucking on her old Nike trainers. She looks at the rose charm sitting on her desk, deciding she'd rather be late then let her necklace be broken. She opts to attach it to the bracelet she wears all the time before she grabs her bag, phone, keys and wallet before sprinting outside. She walks as fast as possible to college, just making it to tutor group to sign in before she was due to go to Art.

Mia smiles as the charm on her bracelet shines in the Autumn sun, Mia making her way across the campus to her lesson. She sits in the lesson bored, wondering why Harvey hadn't sent his usual morning text as the boy next to her looks at the bracelet.

"That's new." He observes as Mia looks at him.

"It was actually a necklace, it kinda snapped this morning." Mia replies as he nods.

"Oh, I'm Kieran." He extends his hand as she shakes it.

"Mia." She grins as he nods. Her phone sits on the table in front of her as she's given her next assignment, the boy sitting beside her glancing at it anytime she got a notification. She only looks at it when her phone buzzes twice, signalling she'd received a message. Mia picks her phone up knowing Kieran had probably seen the message her boyfriend sent her but not caring.

"Who's Harvey?" Kieran asks as Mia looks at him.

"He's my boyfriend." Mia responds as he nods.

Mia was thankful she only had one hour at college today because it flew by, Mia finally excited to get home and get back in bed. Mia walks out of class with Kieran, the two of them talking about the assignment they were given as they walk down the steps at the front of college. Mia looks forward as she goes to cross the road, making direct eye contact with Harvey who was standing grinning with Max in front of her. Mia safely runs across the roads and hugs her boyfriend tightly, Kieran left confused as he crosses the road too.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mia asks as she hugs Max too.

"Well after Lucee told us she wouldn't be able to drive you down, we got the train up here to come get you for the weekend." Max says as she smiles.

"Oh, sorry Kieran. I'll see you Monday?" Mia asks as the blonde boy nods, disappearing out of sight. A few of the girls were looking at Mia with disgusted faces, partly because she was with Harvey and partly because she was talking to Kieran who was quite the popular boy at college.

"I'm gonna need to go home to get some stuff if you don't mind?" Mia asks as Harvey nods.

"Nah, we didn't expect you to know, so lead the way Juliet." Harvey says as she smiles. The three of them walk back to Lucee's house, making their way to Mia's room which was a lot cosier than her one in Berkshire. Both Max and Harvey sit on her bed as she walks around her room collecting things and putting it into one of her bags that she had lying around.

"Who was that blondie you were talking to earlier?" Harvey queries as she looks over at him for a brief moment.

"Who? Kieran? He sits next to me in Art, we were just talking about the assignment we were given." Mia responds as Harvey nods.

"He's jealous basically." Max comments as Harvey slaps his brother's arm.

"Oh, that reminds me, this happened to me this morning." Mia says, showing Harvey the broken chain for her necklace.

"Wait it snapped?" Harvey frowns as she nods.

"I didn't have much time this morning to fix the necklace so it's now on the bracelet I got from Lucee last year." Mia says, showing him her wrist as his face goes into its usual happy state again.

"So she's Artsy and crafty too." Max says as Mia laughs.

"It comes with the Artsy talents my friend." Mia ruffles his hair before she finishes packing her bag.

"Let me just go feed Cobie" Mia says as the twins look at her in confusion.

"Who's Cobie?" Harvey asks, following his girlfriend downstairs with Max in tow.

"Cobie is Lucee's rabbit." Mia says as she picks the bunny up. Both the twins coo at the small Animal as Mia puts him back down and gives him some food.

"She's got a half day of work today so she'll be home in about 2 hours which means he'll have to go in his cage." Mia mumbles to herself, picking up the bunny and his food and putting him in his cage. She gives the animal a kiss on the nose before shutting the cage and turning to see the twins in awe at the animal.

"Geeks." Mia comments as they both laugh.

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