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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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October 5th, 2020

Mia stood with Dobby and Tom whilst the twins did their intro to the video, the girl's hair tied back in a low ponytail due to how warm she was feeling. Max explained that Tom, Dobby and Mia were all participating in the video also which meant Mia was probably going to end up doing something she hated.

"Oh, I forgot a rule, before we start you HAVE to do it with your left hand." Max calls.

"Wait, wait, wait, Mia's left handed." Tom intervenes.

"She is, I forgot about that." Harvey goes wide-eyed.

"You literally see me use my phone and a pen everyday and you're telling me you can't remember that I'm left handed." Mia shakes her head at him in disappointment.

"They're having a domestic, get the fire extinguisher." Max jokes, causing everyone to laugh.

"Do you want me to just admit I'm a bad boyfriend?" Harvey looks at her, Mia laughing in response.

"I didn't tell you to say anything so you go ahead and say whatever you want on your own terms." Mia smiles.

"Alright, the first round is a Giraffe." Tom says as he sets up the timer, both Max and Harvey getting prepared to draw.

Mia sits and watches Max lose to Harvey, Dobby and Tom also before she gets her turn to go up against him.

"I feel slightly intimidated 'cause she's literally an A-Level Art student." Max laughs.

"This should be fun 'cause I cannot draw with my right hand." Mia admits, the girl holding her pen in the wrong hand.

"We'll let the lady choose the drawing subject." Max holds the hat out to her, the girl pulling one of the slips of paper out and opening it.

"Pingu!" Mia turns it around so Dobby could zoom in on it.

Both her and Max are set off with 15 seconds on the clock, Mia doing a fairly good drawing of Pingu the Penguin before their time was up.

"Wait have I done the wrong thing?" Mia asks, looking at Max's whiteboard. Max takes one look at hers and starts laughing loudly, the two of them turning their boards around to show Tom, Dobby and Harvey.

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