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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 26th, 2019

Harvey smiles as he grabs hold of Mia's hand softly, the two of them walking into the airport to get away from the coldness. Mia hadn't ever been on holiday despite her Father always travelling, she was never allowed to because he didn't have time to look after her apparently. She'd never even step foot near an airport, so she was new to the whole system of an airport and had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

They all check their bags in, Mia getting a little scared when she had to go through security in case she had something on her she wasn't supposed to, but thankfully she didn't. Mia looks around in curiosity at the airport, never having been in one herself, she didn't know they had shops for you to buy souvenirs in.

"Do you want a drink?" Harvey asks his girlfriend who wasn't with it at all, not even hearing him ask her a question. He picks up a Fanta Fruit Twist for her as she wanders around the shop with Max and Tilly, genuinely starstruck by it. After about an hour of waiting around, Mia and Harvey playing many games of Mario Kart on her Nintendo Switch, it was time for them to board their flight. Mia puts her switch back in her bag, Harvey waits for her, intertwining their hands as they make their way to their gate. As soon as Mia sits down she shuts her eyes in attempts to calm herself down, Harvey noticing how tense she was when he sat down.

"Are you feeling okay Juliet?" Harvey whispers to her as she opens her eyes, Harvey noticing that they were filled with worry.

"I've never been on a plane." Mia responds quietly as Harvey tries his hardest not to smile, knowing he can comfort her.

"Trust me, you'll be fine. I've been on plenty of planes, and I'm still here. You're safe with me." He whispers back as Max looks at them both from the middle seat where he was with Leo and Tilly.

"Now that's unfair." Max mutters to himself, realising he'd been stuck with the kids.

Harvey keeps hold of Mia's hand as the flight sets off, Mia feeling off about it and not liking how much it made her stomach unsettled. She moves so her head is leaning on Harvey's shoulder as the plane hit turbulence, Harvey reassuring her everything would be okay and nothing would go wrong.

By the end of the flight, Mia was fast asleep on Harvey's shoulder and had missed a few bits of turbulence, plus the film Harvey was watching. He wakes her up softly, kissing her forehead and pulling her necklace out from behind her shirt before they exit the plane that had landed in Florida. They wait around for their suitcases, Mia's coming out last as Sara and Paul ordered them a Minibus to take them to the hotel tonight before they boarded the ship tomorrow.

Mia tiredly makes her way through the hotel, ready for collapsing as Sara and Paul walk to the front desk of the hotel to retrieve the keys. Mia takes a seat on the reception sofa, Harvey admiring her sleepy state as Max rolls his eyes at how much he was drooling for her.

"You're genuinely gonna drool, Harv." Max slaps his brother's chest lightly as Harvey looks at him.

"Alright, Max, Leo and Harv you're together, Tilly and Mia are together and so are your father and I." Sara says, giving out the hotel room keys. Harvey walks over to Mia after he gets his key, standing in front of her as she looks at him tiredly. He holds his hand out for her, the girl holding onto him as he helps her up. Sara and Paul smile at the two of them as Harvey whistles Tilly over to him, making his way to the girls' hotel room. When they get there, he unlocks the door for her, the three of them walking in as Tilly walks over to her bed and drops onto it, the little girl just as tired as Mia was.

"Goodnight Juliet." He whispers, kissing her forehead softly before he leaves the hotel room. Mia locks the door behind him, turning the lights off before collapsing on her bed, neither her or Tilly having any effort to change into their pyjamas.

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