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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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October 9th, 2020

"Shhh." Mia says as Tilly stands by Harvey's bedroom door.

"Is he still asleep?" Tilly whispers, the girl nodding in response.

"Let's go before he wakes up." She smiles, shutting the door as quietly as possible. She and Tilly both make their way downstairs, greeting both Sara and Paul before Mia grabs her car keys.

"Ready to go?" Sara smiles.

"Bye Daddy!" Tilly squeals before the three girls leave. Mia and Sara both get into the front of the car, Tilly in the back, before Mia pulls out of the driveway whilst Sara chose a song for them to listen to.

"Are you gonna be okay with the drive Tills?" Mia asks as she turns a corner.

"Can we get breakfast before anything?" Tilly questions, Mia nodding with a smile.

Once they'd eaten breakfast from the finest of McDonald's, Mia set out to drive to London with Tilly asking her and Sara questions the entire time. Harvey woke up alone which confused him, the boy sitting up and looking around for Mia who in his eyes had gone missing.

"Max, where's Mia?" He asks his twin brother groggily, Max shrugging in response before falling back to sleep. Harvey rolls his eyes and shuts his door, making his way down to the kitchen where Paul was sat.

"Where's Juliet?" Harvey asks, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Who's Juliet?" Paul furrows his eyebrows.

"Mia, have I never called her that to you?" Harvey huffs, his father shaking his head at him.

"That's sweet, why do you call her Juliet?" Paul questions.

"Because we did Romeo and Juliet in Drama." Harvey responds.

"Awh, who knew our Harvey was so sappy?" Paul teases.

"Look, that's not the point, where is she?" Harvey asks with frustration.

"She's gone with your Mum and Tills to London." Paul responds.

"Why?" Harvey frowns as he wasn't invited.

"Girls day, Harvey." Paul shrugs. Harvey nods before making his way back upstairs, the boy picking up his phone and pressing on his girlfriend's contact to call her.

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