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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 25th, 2019

Mia smiles as Max and Harvey goof around on their Instagram Live, Dobby and Mia sitting behind them both.

"We've got Dobby and Amelia with us." Max says as they both move out of frame so Mia and Dobby were the only ones on there. Dobby waves and smiles but Mia hadn't noticed because she was replying to a message from Cara. When the twins move back into the frame, Harvey looks at Mia to try and see what she was doing but failed miserably.

"Mia's been friends with us for a while now, she was Harv's Drama Partner." Max comments as Mia finally looks up from her phone.

"Hi." Mia waves awkwardly as the other three laugh.

"She's out of it most of the time." Dobby comments as she rolls her eyes.

"I'll be back in a sec." Mia says when her phone starts ringing. She walks out of the cabin, Harvey watching her the entire time, answering the phone call she got from her step-mum.

"Hey Mia. Glad you answered, where are you?" Lucee asks as Mia moves some of her hair behind her shoulder.

"I'm with Harvey, Max and Dobby at Harvey's." Mia responds as she hears Lucee clear her throat.

"Alright I was just checking you were okay. Don't forget we're going to Manchester tomorrow so we need to be up earlyish." Lucee informs as Mia nods.

"Yeah yeah I know, what time are we actually setting off?" Mia asks her step-mum.

"Hopefully we'll both be up for 9 so we can just miss morning traffic, sound alright?" Lucee continues as Mia moves some hair from her face.

"That's fine, Luce I'm gonna have to go before Harvey wonders where I've gone." Mia says quickly before ending the call. She makes her way back to the three boys and sits down behind them next to Dobby again. The four of them continue with the live show for around an hour before they turn it off because Dobby had to go and Max was tired. Harvey and Mia stay in the cabin together and chill out, Mia going on the notes page of her phone to draw in attempts to draw a picture of her and Harvey.

Harvey went live on his personal Instagram account, Mia not in the range for the camera to see her. Harvey answers a few questions and sings a few songs as Mia tries her hardest not to get stressed out with the drawing on her phone. Mia moves her leg so it comes into frame, people noticing it in the bottom corner and instantly commenting on it.

"Oh, this leg." Harvey says as he squeezes Mia's ankle, causing her to jump.

"Now that was uncalled for." Mia says as she sits up, her face and her arms coming into the frame.

"Hello." Mia grins as Harvey smiles.

"If you're wondering, this is my girlfriend Mia." Harvey bubbles as he kisses Mia's forehead.

"She's weird, promise." Harvey grins as Mia laughs.

"Let's be honest, you're a lot weirder than I am." Mia comments as Harvey nods proudly.

"She's the smarter one too." Harvey adds on as Mia rolls her eyes.

"You're just as smart as I am, stop being silly" Mia says as she looks at the phone, noticing how the majority of the people in the comments were complimenting her outfit.

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