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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 22nd, 2019

Mia sighs as she ties up her white shoes, making sure she looked somewhat presentable before making her way downstairs. She got 0 sleep last night because she was worrying over her GCSE results today, thinking of the worst-case scenario and the best-case scenario, before she knew it, it was 8 am and she was due to go get her results in an hour. She received her usual morning message from Harvey as she ate her bowl of fruit, smiling to herself and replying to the sweet message he sent.

After Mia had cleaned up her bowl and calmed herself down a little, she walked to school in the beaming heat and was preparing for both scenarios to go down in her head. When she got to the school gates she was met with Cara, the two of them going inside to retrieve their envelopes and grab their leaver's hoodies. Mia smiled as Lucee handed her the envelope containing her grades and her leaver's hoodie, telling the girl she would see her at home later on. Mia walks back out of the room with Cara, the two of them not wanting to open their envelopes and face the grades.

Cara and Mia both begin walking away from the school just as the twins get there, Harvey left confused and a little upset that Mia wouldn't wait for him. He watches as Mia crosses the road aimlessly with Cara who was opening her results. The two of them stop on the path as Cara jumps up and down, happy with her set of grades as Mia congratulates her before opening hers.

He sees Mia react the exact same way Cara did before his brother pulls him into the school to get their results.

"Mia didn't wait for us" Harvey frowns as Max rolls his eyes.

"You never asked her to wait for you and you can't expect her to wait for you," Max responds as Harvey gets his GCSE results, waiting for Max to get his before dragging his twin brother out of the school. He walks the way that Mia walked, Dobby, Tom and Max following him as he spots Mia and Cara talking to someone he'd never seen before. He makes his way over with the other three boys, picking Mia up by her waist which scares her to death.

"Oh my, I thought you were going to get stolen then, Mia." Maisie laughs as Harvey puts his girlfriend down.

"Hi." Mia grins, pecking his lips quickly before turning her attention back to her mum.

"Who's this then Amy?" Maisie asks her daughter, the four boys all looking at each other in confusion at the nickname.

"Uh, this is my boyfriend Harvey, Harv this is my Mum, Maisie." Mia introduces them both as Harvey nods.

"Hello," Harvey says as Maisie smiles.

"Right, I'll leave you, girls, to it." Maisie says as Mia nods, saying her goodbyes before she turned to the lads.

"Hi." Mia says as Cara disappears inside her house.

"I forget Cara is your step-sister,. Dobby says as Mia nods.

"Alright let's go to Nandos lads." Dobby announces as the four lads cheer, following him down the street as Mia laughs. She walks beside Harvey, their hands intertwined, the two of them enjoying each others company before he decides to speak up.

"How'd you do?" Harvey asks as she hands him the slip, letting him see her grades.

"Stupid teacher marked me down in History. I bet that's just 'cause I was sat with you." Mia says as he laughs.

"Hey, see, I told you that you would get your 9 in Art." Harvey nudges as she nods.

"I think I deserve it really, I did spend a great amount of time on those portraits." Mia responds as he nods.

"You do deserve it, which also reminds me, where is all your artwork?" Harvey questions as he hands her the slip back.

"I can't get them all until October in case they want to change my grade." Mia says as he nods.

"Well, our Nando's awaits us Juliet." He says, holding the door open for her when they get to the door, Mia thanking him softly.

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