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January 10th, 2019

Mia smiles as she finishes off the last section of her portrait of Harry, putting her pencil down and standing back to admire it. Cara looks at her with pride, watching the girl grin and begin to wipe her hands off from where the pencil smudged over it. Mia was ambidextrous, but chose to draw with her left hand because it felt more comfortable that way. The bell for lunchtime sounds as Mia begins to clean up her space, not realising Jaiden and Katie had walked into the classroom to retrieve Sammi. What she also didn't know was that a very happy and very cheery Harvey Mills was on his way to the classroom to give her a late birthday present.

"Why didn't you tell us she was in your class?" Katie asks Sammi as Sammi shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe in case you try destroying her work, Kate." Sammi responds as Mia smiles to herself at the snide comment. Harvey walks into the classroom, noticing the three girls look at him in shock as he makes his way over to Mia, completely ignoring Katie's advances.

"Hey Juliet." He says as she looks at him.

"Hey, you're back! How was Tenerife?" Mia asks as he grins.

"Great actually, it's always nice to be home though." Harvey says as she nods.

"I'll be done in a second." She says as he sits on the chair beside her. He watches as she does some finishing touches, only now just noticing she was using her left hand as he smiles. Katie instantly get jealous of how he's looking at her, wanting to get his attention himself.

"Oh, Mia this is lovely." Katie says as she walks over, Mia instantly moving the piece of wood so she didn't ruin it.

"Thanks." Mia responds as she moves the wood she'd just finished detailing. She leans it against the wall and wipes her hands on her apron before taking it off, watching as Katie tries her hardest to talk to Harvey who was just plain ignoring her. She watches as Katie purposely knocks over the tub of black ink right beside her white book, causing it to go absolutely everywhere.

"What the hell?" Sammi scolds as she races over.

"It was an accident, I swear." Katie says as Mia scoffs.

"I watched you push it over." Harvey says as he notices it had gone all over her book. He frantically picks it up, trying his hardest to get the ink off of her book.

"Harvey stop it." Mia says as he tries to wipe it off.

"But it's all over your book." Harvey panics as she stops his movements.

"It's fine, I can sort it out." Mia says as Sammi tells Katie off for trying to destroy her coursework.

"But it's ink." Harvey says as she laughs.

"It'll be fine, I promise." She whispers as he stops trying to salvage her book. She puts the book out to dry in front of her portrait, cleaning up the rest of the ink that spilt before the pair leave to go get their lunch.

"Oh, I have something for you." Harvey says as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Did I leave something at yours?" Mia asks as he shakes his head.

"One second." He says as he gets his dinner, Mia opting out today considering she'd already eaten at break. The two make their way to an empty table considering Max, Tom and Dobby had already eaten and left the cafeteria.

"I got you this in Tenerife." Harvey says as he hands her a black velvet box.

"Harvey." Mia says as he smiles.

"Consider it a late birthday gift." Harvey says as she frowns.

"I didn't get you anything, I feel bad now." Mia frowns as he shakes his head.

"It's fine, open it." Harvey informed as she opens the box hesitantly, a silver rose necklace staring her in the face.

"This is beautiful, Harvey." Mia breathes as he grins.

"Put it on." He says to her as she takes it from the box and clasps it around her neck, letting it dangle down so he can see it before she hides it beneath her shirt.

"Thank you." Mia grins as he smiles back.

"Happy Late Birthday Juliet." Harvey bubbled as she laughed at how adorable he was being.

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