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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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October 20th, 2018

"We can go back to my house, my dad isn't home until tomorrow." Mia says as she and Harvey hide under an awning away from the pouring rain.

"Lead the way Juliet." He responds as she puts her hood up, Harvey doing the same. They walk back to her house, her feet soaking wet from how many puddles they'd jumped in on the way there. When they reach her house, she unlocks the door and puts her coat on the rack to dry, Harvey doing the same. She moves her curly wet hair out of her face and ties it back into a messy ponytail as Harvey walks into the living room.

"Does your dad think he's an angel or something?" Harvey asks as she laughs.

"He's a plain man, his car is completely white too." Mia responds as he laughs. She sits down on the sofa, Harvey sitting beside her as she picks up the remote and scrolls through the apps on the Smart TV to find Netflix.

"I'm sorry that our day out got ruined." Harvey says as she looks at him, shaking her head.

"I don't mind." Mia comments as he smiles at her. She clicks on Brooklyn 99, the two of them going quiet as they watch it together. They watch around 3 episodes before Mia starts to get bored, sitting up and moving so she's facing Harvey with her legs crossed. He looks at her as she leans her head on her hand, a smile making its way across her face.

"You look cheeky, what are you up to?" Harvey asks as she shrugs.

"Just bored." Mia says as Harvey pretends to act offended.

"Not of you, I meant I'm bored of sitting and watching TV. It's all I ever do." Mia says as he smiles.

"I was kidding, I understood what you meant." Harvey responds as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Oh he's using my techniques is he? I told Max it would rub off of me onto you." Mia says as he laughs softly.

"Well what do you want to do?" Harvey says as she looks at him.

"Can I attempt to french plait your hair?" She asks as he looks at her before agreeing. He sits on the floor in front of her on the sofa, her legs hanging over the edge of the sofa on either side of him. She parts his hair down the middle and begins her attempt at french plaiting her hair, failing miserably as his hair was too short.

"It's impossible." Mia frowns as Harvey laughs.

"Wait, let me try." Harvey responds as they switch places. He splits her hair down the middle after taking it down from it's ponytail, trying his hardest to plait her hair but failing miserably when he realises he's forgotten how to do it.

"I forgot how to do it." Harvey says as she stands up, walking over to the mirror in the kitchen and beginning to do it to her own hair. Harvey stands beside her leaning against the wall, watching as she pretty much effortlessly does french braids in her hair. The two of them jump when her phone starts ringing, Harvey answering it for her and putting it on speaker.

"Ah! Good job you answered Mia, I'm on my way home to get my lunch. I expect you not to have anyone over." Her dad says as she goes wide-eyed.

"No one else is here, don't worry." Mia responds as she finishes doing her hair, tying it at the bottom.

"Good, I hope you finished your chores too." Her father continues as Mia rolls her eyes.

"I did them yesterday when you asked me too." Mia replies as her father clears her throat.

"Alright, I'll be in in one moment." He says as he ends the call.

"Uhm, follow me." Mia says as she runs upstairs, Harvey following her. She runs into her room and motions for him to come in, Harvey looking around in awe at all the posters on her walls before she snaps her fingers.

"Hide behind that corner, he can see you from the window otherwise." She says as he does so.

"I'll be back for you in a second." She grins, apologising to him quickly before running downstairs.

"Smells like Aftershave in here." Freddie comments as Mia stands there silently.

"It's probably you." Mia says as her father nods. He goes to the kitchen to retrieve his dinner as Mia texts Harvey to see if he was okay. Her father tries his hardest to look over her shoulder at who she was texting but couldn't see because his glasses were in the car.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. If I find out that a boy is here I will ground you Mia." Freddie comments as Mia nods, watching as her father leaves. She waits for him to pull out of the drive and speed off down the street before she runs upstairs to retrieve Harvey who was just lay on her bed.

"Oi, cheeky." Mia says as he looks at her.

"You like One Direction do you?" Harvey says as she rolls her eyes.

"I've had the same bedroom since I was 11, I have 0 effort to change it." Mia says as she sits on her bed beside him.

"11 year old Mia seems like a nerd." Harvey says as she laughs.

"She was, I used to wear my blazer with the buttons done up and walked out with a massive pencil case." Mia chuckled as he smiles.

"I would've definitely been friends with that Mia." Harvey says as she goes quiet. He looks at her as she looks around at her walls that were covered in various One Direction posters and a few Marvel ones.

"You okay?" Harvey says as she looks at him.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Mia nods as he nods too.

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