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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 15th, 2020

"Good Morrow." Lucee cheers as Mia rubs her eyes.

"Renaissance England? Really?" Mia laughs softly, taking a sip of her drink.

"Let's get the remainder of the house packed shall we?" Lucee smiles, Mia nodding softly in response.

"I'll do my room." Mia responds, Lucee nodding softly.

Mia sighs as she makes her way upstairs, the girl shutting her bedroom door behind her so she could do it in peace. She stuck some music on her speaker and began taking everything off of her bed so she could move the mattress and take apart her bed.

Once she'd taken it apart, she moved her mattress over to where it originally was and put all of her bedding back on, picking up all of her throw pillows and blankets. The last thing she picked up was a teddy bear, her build a bear from Harvey to be exact.

"I love you Amelia Noelle Parkinson." The bear speaks after she presses its hand, the girl's heart dropping to her stomach and shattering. She played it over and over again for a good five minutes, the girl sat on her bedroom floor in tears before she finally decided to box it up and put it away.

"This should be fucking fun." Mia mumbles to herself, One Direction beginning to play as she takes everything out of her wardrobe. She rummages through all of her clothes, throwing away anything old, a pile of everything she was keeping and a pile for anything that was Harvey's, the girl putting it in a separate box with the build-a-bear.

"Mia, are you okay love?" Lucee questions, knocking on her door quietly.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She responds.

Lucee leaves her to her own devices moments later, Mia now rummaging through all of her drawers in her desk and throwing anything of Harvey's in the box with his other stuff. Once she knew it was full, she taped it up and moved it onto the floor before packing up all of her art stuff. Her phone started ringing after she'd packed up all of her art stuff, the girl propping it up before answering the facetime from Max.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." Max grins.

"I'm a little busy at the moment, Max, what's up?" She looks at him, grabbing another box and putting it up.

"What are you doing with boxes?" Max asks, his train of thought now elsewhere.

"Lucee and I are moving back to Berkshire this weekend so I'm packing up all my stuff." Mia responds, standing still.

"Oh, wait, why?" Max continues asking.

"Because her and my Dad get married soon and she got her old job back at Yateley." Mia tucks her hair behind her ear. She was quick to notice when Max's door opened, her blonde 'boyfriend' making his way into his twins room which caused Max to pick up his phone quickly.

"Oooo, who are you talking to?" Harvey questions, Mia now sat on the floor so you couldn't see her.

"Oh, just a friend." Max responds.

"Her room looks like Mia's." Harvey comments.

"How? It's not got any of the posters nor does it have any of the fake foliage." Max huffs.

"It just does." Harvey shrugs.

"Right, okay." Max nods, Mia sat staring at the box of his stuff.

"Did you know she was moving back?" Max questions.

"No, what, since when?" Harvey frantically asks.

"This weekend." Max responds, Mia sighing before ending the call without being seen. Her music continues playing through the speakers as she carries on packing up all of her things.

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