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October 5th, 2018

Mia furrows her eyebrows as she walks into school, everyone snickering and taunting her quietly. She was confused as to why the entirety of her year was looking at her in a disgusted way as she reached her locker beside Sammi's.

"Hey, do you know why everyone's looking at me like I'm a weirdo?" Mia asks as Sammi looks at her.

"No idea." Sammi shrugs as she nods. Mia puts her coat in her locker and shuts it, making her way down to her form room.

"Aye Mia! We all know you cheated in that Drama Exam!" George shouts at her as she furrows her eyebrows again. She picks up her pace as she walks through the school, hearing whispering about her everywhere. When she gets to form, Jaiden is standing at the door with a smirk on her face, Katie standing beside her.

"Hey Cheater." Jaiden says as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Whatever someone said about me, it's not true." Mia responds as Jaiden laughs.

"So Miss Greenhall isn't your Step-Mum?" Jaiden says as Mia's face drops, her heart racing.

"What- how did you know that?" Mia responds as Jaiden smirks.

"Oh I don't know, maybe someone overheard and told everyone." Jaiden says before she and Katie walk into the form room. Mia stands there in silence for a moment before she feels the anger bubbling inside of her, angrily walking down to the cafeteria where she knew Harvey would be.

"Oh, here she is." Max says as Mia stands at the table, not sitting down like she usually would.

"It was you wasn't it?" Mia asks the brunette as he looks at her in confusion, Max, Tom and Dobby giving her the same look.

"What was me?" Harvey retorts, genuinely not knowing what he'd done wrong.

"Well you're the only one who knew my step-mum was Miss Greenhall, so you must've told the entire school." Mia fumed, something no one at school had ever actually seen.

"I haven't told anyone, I haven't I swear." Harvey says as she rolls her eyes.

"Thanks for making me look like a cheater in front of the entire of our year, I get that I'm not one to have friends but you seriously have reached a new level of low, Mills. I bet Jaiden told you to make friends with me didn't she?" Mia continues as Harvey shakes his head, denying everything.

"Amelia I did nothing wrong, I promise." Harvey argues but she rolls her eyes.

"Save it, I hope you find a new partner in Drama because I'm not working with you from now on." Mia seethes before walking off and out of the cafeteria, the entire room silent after she went off on him. Harvey quickly jumps up from his seat to go after her but he was soon stopped at the entrance by the teacher, telling him he had to clean up his mess before leaving. By the time he'd done what the teacher asked, Mia was long gone and was in Art with Miss Houston.

"She's a cheater, how else would she be getting a Distinction Star?" Someone says as Harvey looks at them.

"She's smart, that's why. If I were you I'd stay silent and leave her alone, she's not a cheater, she's intelligent and doesn't need any of Miss Greenhalls help, alright? Keep your opinions to yourself." Harvey puts him straight as the kid puts his hands up in surrender going silent. He makes his way back to the table and runs a hand through his hair in frustration, not knowing how to solve his problem.

"You didn't actually tell everyone right?" Dobby asks as Harvey looks at him with a death glare.

"I was just asking." Dobby throws his arms up in surrender as Max looks at his twin.

"I think it was Jaiden." Max says as Harvey looks up at him.

"How do you know?"

"Because I just heard someone behind me say that pretty much everyone got a text from Jaiden last night saying that Miss Greenhall was Mia's step-mum." Max says as Harvey sighs, looking down at the table.

"I can't believe she thinks it was me." Harvey says as Tom looks at Dobby before speaking.

"Why do you care so much anyway? She's only your Drama partner." Tom comments as Max clears his throat.

"He's fancied her since Year 9, didn't tell her 'cause he got too caught up with Katie." Max responds as Tom nods.

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