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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 25th, 2020

Harvey felt the sun beaming down on him and Mia through the window, the pink-haired boy groaning and turning away from it so he could stay asleep for longer. He wrapped his arms around Mia to keep himself warm before he realised what day it was, the boy sitting up quickly which made Mia stirr in her sleep. He waited until she was fast asleep again before getting out of bed, the boy pulling on some joggers and a hoodie before racing downstairs.

"Hi." Tilly beams, scaring him half to death when he walks into the kitchen.

"Tills it's just past 6, why are you awake?" Harvey questions his younger sister, moving some hair out of his face.

"It's Christmas Day, duh, why are you awake?" She returns the question, watching her older brother get things out of the cupboard for Mia's birthday cake.

"I'm making Mia a birthday cake." Harvey replies, noticing Tilly's excitement growing.

"Can I help?" Tilly questions.

"Yeah course." Harvey smiles softly, the two of them beginning to make the cake.

Mia heard her phone go off on the bedside table which caused her to wake up, the girl reaching over to get it before realising Harvey was gone. She furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up, the girl moving her hair out of her face before checking the notification she got on her phone. Soon after she'd thanked her family members for the birthday wishes she'd been receiving all morning, the girl got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Mia, you decent?" She hears Max question, the girl tiredly opening the bathroom door whilst she's brushing her teeth.

"Happy Birthday." He beams softly, hugging her.

"Thank you." She replies after she was finished.

"Where's Harvey?" Max questions in confusion, watching her shrug her shoulders.

"Probably downstairs already." She responds, moving her hair out of her face. She ties half of it back and pulls some pieces out at the front before making her way downstairs, spotting her pink-haired boyfriend in the kitchen with Tilly.

"No! Don't come in here!" Tilly shouts, scaring her half to death.

"Okay then." Mia furrows her eyebrows, turning away and going into the living room with Max following behind her. She stopped in her tracks as she looked at the decorations around the room, Max smiling to himself as he watched her look at them curiously.

"When did you do this?" Mia questions, turning to look at Max.

"Harvey and I did it last night when you'd fallen asleep." Max smiles softly, the girl turning back around to look at everything.

"Happy 18th Birthday." Max smiles.

"Thank you." Mia replies softly, hugging him. Harvey walks into the living room just as they let go, the pink-haired boy looking at his girlfriend in admiration before going over to her.

"You're too nice to me Harv." Mia exclaims as he pulls her into his side.

"It's the least I could do Juliet." He responds, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head.

"Happy Birthday." He whispers in her ear, watching her smile softly.

"Thank you." Mia whispers back, leaning up to peck his lips.

"Can I come in now?" Tilly asks quietly.

"Yeah." Harvey responds, the young blonde girl walking in with the cake that she and Harvey had made just as Leo, Sara and Paul walk into the living room.

"This is where you disappeared too?" Mia asks softly, looking at Harvey who nods in response.

"You always tell me how you're unbothered by your birthday and it annoys me, so I decided to change that." Harvey beams at her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Happy 18th Birthday gorgeous." He whispers in her ear. Mia felt herself smile again as Tilly, Leo and Max encouraged her to blow out her candles, the girl doing so before everyone else cheers.

"What'd you wish for?" Harvey questions.

"I can't tell you that, otherwise it won't come true." Mia looks at him with doe eyes.

"Tease." He shakes his head at her before he realises she was fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Hey no fair." Harvey frowns.

"Go get dressed." She presses a soft kiss to his lips before he disappears upstairs to get changed. He got a message from Mia right as he was walking downstairs that said they'd do their presents later on, the pink-haired boy not replying but simply hugging her when he got downstairs instead.

"You okay?" She questions, leaning into his embrace.

"Always." He smiles.

"Can we feed the ducks now?" Tilly asks with intrigue.

"Maybe after we've done presents." Sara replies, watching her daughter frown but nod anyway.

Harvey sits down on the sofa with Mia beside him, Max on the other side of her talking about the ducks which meant none of her attention was with Harvey. Harvey took her hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it, the girl looking at him with a soft smile before returning to her conversation with Max.

"Alright, Santa brought everyone gifts this year." Sara beams, handing everyone all of their presents.

"You-" Mia begins, being cut off by Paul almost instantly.

"We bought you these because you're family, Mia, so don't say we didn't have to get you anything, we know we didn't, we wanted too." Paul looks at her, the girl nodding with a small smile.

"I love you." Harvey declares only loud enough for Mia to hear.

"I love you too." She admits, giving him a small smile before everyone starts opening their presents.

Once everyone had finished, Mia helped Sara clean all the wrapping paper up before Sara decided to make some hot chocolate for everyone. Mia sat back down with the twins and cuddled into Harvey's side, his fingers aimlessly making soft shapes on her thigh which caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.

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