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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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March 28th, 2020

"That's cheating!" Harvey exclaims as Mia overtakes him on the game they were playing, Mia's laughter sounding throughout the room.

"It's called being good at the game, Harvey, not cheating." She responds as she overtakes Max, the girl now in first place.

"She's 100% cheating." Max intervenes as Mia shakes her head softly.

"How can I cheat when you can both see my controller?" Mia retorts, Max's car suddenly creeping up on her. The two of them were racing side by side, Harvey catching up eventually before the three of them were racing side by side. Mia's car pulls forward a little just as they hit the finish line, the girl cheering for herself as the twins look at each other. Mia leans forward to get her phone that she dropped during the game, the twins looking at each other once more, nodding at one another before she sits back up.

Harvey wraps his arms around Mia's middle, pressing a kiss to the side of her head before he tickles her, the girl jumping out of her skin. Her laughter could be heard around the entire house, Sara and Paul looking at each other with smiles as Max joins in, the girl trying her hardest to get away from them both.

"Let me go!" She exclaims with laughter, the two boys smiling to themselves.

"Admit that you cheated and we'll stop." Max comments, the girl shaking her head 'no'.

"I didn't cheat, you're just sore losers." Mia struggles to say through the tears of laughter, her hair coming down out of her ponytail.

"You've got one last chance." Max says as they stop for a moment to let her breathe.

"I didn't cheat, I promise." Mia pleads, the brunette not wanting them to tickle her any longer.

"Pinkie promise?" Harvey asks her, the girl wrapping her pink around his in confirmation.

"Alright, let's do this next round." Max says as she picks her controller back up, her phone going off on her leg. She looks down and sees she has a message from Luke, telling Max to hold on a moment whilst she replies to him. Once she had, Max began the next race, the three of them racing against each other with Harvey coming in first.

"Hah, loser." Harvey says to Mia, the girl not realising he was talking to her because she was texting on her phone.

"How's Luke?" Max asks her, knowing Harvey wouldn't say anything.

"He's okay, he's having a meltdown over Art Coursework so I'm trying to help him." Mia informs, watching the two boys nod.

"What's going on with his coursework?" Harvey continues with an intrigued look on his face.

"His younger brother spilt apple juice over his sketches and didn't bother to tell him so everything is ruined." Mia responds, Harvey nodding softly.

"What does that have to do with you?" Harvey asks, the girl looking up from her phone. Mia looks at him with furrowed eyebrows before shrugging hesitantly, swallowing the weird feeling of guilt she had before putting her phone behind her.

"Ignore him, he's just jealous because you're giving your attention to Luke and not him." Max jokes, Mia laughing softly as he began the next race. Max wins this time, Mia coming in second and Harvey somehow coming in 12th place, being beaten by a bunch of bots.

After the three decided they'd had enough of racing games, Max disappeared into his own room, leaving Mia and Harvey alone. Mia felt awkward, she didn't know what to say or really do, so she just got on with some of her own Art Coursework whilst Harvey sulked.

"I'm sorry." Harvey says after over two hours of silence between the both of them.

"What for?" Mia asks, looking at him through her lashes.

"For being jealous, I know you have loads of friends but I can't help it." Harvey frowns as Mia moves her Art stuff beside her, motioning for Harvey to lie on her. He lies down, his back leaning against her chest, her legs on either side of his body with his arms resting on them.

"You have nothing to be sorry for or worry about, Luke's got a girlfriend who I'm also friends with, remember Isobel?" Mia asks, the boy nodding softly.

"They've been together since Year 10, so you really have nothing to worry about." Mia says softly as Harvey smiles to himself.

"I love you." Harvey whispers, shutting his eyes as he leans on her.

"I love you too." She giggles, playing with his hair softly. He manages to fall asleep in her arms, Mia opting to try and complete some of her drawing whilst he was asleep on her. She manages to do half of what she would usually, the boy waking up when Tilly walks in to tell them that dinner was ready.

"Sorry, did I get in the way?" Harvey asks, Mia shaking her head softly. The two of them walk downstairs sleepily, joining everyone else at the dining table as Sara looks at Mia.

"What was all the laughing earlier on? We could hear Mia from the living room." Sara asks as Mia smiles.

"She was cheating on our game, so we tickled her as punishment." Max says, causing Mia to roll her eyes.

"I wasn't cheating, you guys just can't play the game." Mia retorts, both of them looking at her with fake offence.

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