820 16 3

May 1st, 2019

Harvey laughs when he sees Mia's leg twitch randomly, Mia finally being able to prove her point about 'if I sit for too long my leg gets twitchy' to him. Her favourite Disney film, Cars, plays in the background as Mia moves some of her hair out of her face.

"I need to get my hair cut." Mia says as she looks at all the split ends.

"No you don't, stop being silly." Harvey responds as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"It's dead at the ends, it needs a good ol' trim." Mia replies as Harvey hands her some plastic scissors.

"You're an idiot." She laughs as she pushes them away from her.

"But you said you needed to trim the ends." Harvey furrows his eyebrows as she turns to face him.

"I'll do it when I get home, not here." Mia comments as he smiles at her goofily.

"I can't believe Year 11 is almost over." Harvey says as Mia agrees softly.

"I cannot wait for Prom." Mia grins as Harvey tilts his head at the girl for a second.

"Can I ask you something?" Harvey says as she looks at him.

"You just did." Mia responds sarcastically as he mocks her.

"Do you wanna go to Prom with me?" Harvey asks, completely catching her off guard.

"Why me?" Mia inquiries as Harvey sits up.

"Because I want to go with you and only you, that's why." Harvey comments with pure and genuine confidence.

"Okay." She responds, watching him smile.

"Which also leads me onto my next question." Harvey continues as she nods.

"Will you uh- will you be my girlfriend?" Harvey asks, now going quite shy as she looks at him.

"I shouldn't have asked that, should I?" Harvey goes backwards, starting to panic. Mia moves forward and kisses him softly, Harvey melting into it faster than he thought he could before she pulls away.

"I would love to be." Mia whispers softly as he smiles.

"Finally." Harvey exasperates as she laughs.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now