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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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June 25th, 2020

"When does college reopen?" Harvey asks his girlfriend as they wander down the street hand-in-hand.

"No clue, they've not emailed me for the last few weeks so." Mia shrugs as he nods.

"It's gonna be weird when you go, like, we've spent so much time together these last 3 months." Harvey frowns as she looks at him.

"You never know, college might not reopen." Mia responds as they reach a crossing. Harvey presses the button and pulls Mia into his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before resting his own head on top of hers.

"Have you thought about Uni yet?" Harvey asks her as they cross the road.

"Not really but when I get back I have to start applying." Mia sighs as he nods.

"I can't believe we're nearly 18." Harvey says as she laughs.

"I've got 6 months left of being 17 Harvey, it's nowhere near." Mia replies as he takes hold of her hand again.

"You know what I mean." Harvey replies as she laughs.

"What are you gonna do without me here?" Mia asks as she looks at him, his blue hair flopping all over the place.

"I actually don't know." Harvey frowns, looking at her with sorrow. She presses a kiss to his cheek as they reach the fields where everyone else was.

"Alright, what took you both so long?" Tom asks as he throws a ball at Mia, the girl catching it just before it hit her in the head.

"We set off late because someone wanted to change, again." Harvey sarcastically remarks as Mia looks at him, giving him the middle finger.

"For the first time in forever, it wasn't Harvey who took longer to get dressed." Mia replies as she walks over to Max, sitting down beside him.

"How many times did you change?" Max queries, Mia shrugging just as Harvey walks over to them and sits down.

"4 times, to be exact." Harvey grins as she pushes him, the boy falling backwards.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now