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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 24th, 2020

Harvey smiles at his girlfriend before he leaves his room, the girl staring at herself in the mirror, picking out the things she knew had changed from the start of the year. She walks over to her suitcase and rummages through the clothes, pulling out a pair of jeans and a white shirt she had worn on the cruise the previous year. She changes into the shirt with ease before she tries the jeans on, the button not fastening whatsoever. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she tried several more times, the jeans not wanting to button up whatsoever.

She changes into a pair of ripped black jeans and one of Harvey's hoodies whilst convincing herself not to cry, the girl feeling particularly insecure today after what just happened. She ties half of her hair back and pulls some strands out to frame her face before she goes downstairs to join everyone for breakfast. Harvey smiles as she slips into the seat beside him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to the side of her head before he continues to eat his plate of toast.

"Is that Harvey's jumper?" Max asks her, the brunette looking up at him briefly to nod before she goes back to looking at her hands. Max looks over at Harvey with furrowed eyebrows, Harvey looking at him with the same look on his face before Sara walks in.

"Have you all eaten?" Sara asks them, watching them all nod. Max goes to intervene to tell Sara that Mia hadn't but Sara had already disappeared to find her shoes so they could get going.

"Who's driving?" Max asks as Mia looks up.

"I'll drive." Mia informs, watching Harvey shake his head.

"I'll drive." Harvey overmines her, Mia not bothering to argue with him today. Once he finishes his toast, the three teenagers make their way out to Harvey's car, Mia sitting in the passenger seat with Max in the back middle.

"How come you didn't have breakfast Mia?" Max asks as she looks at him.

"Not hungry." She responds with a shrug as Max furrows his eyebrows. When they arrived at their destination, Mia got out of the car without another word whilst Max stopped his brother from getting out.

"She's acting weird." Max says as Harvey looks at him.

"She always has breakfast, she has the same thing everyday, so why is today different?" Max continues as Harvey shrugs.

"Maybe she just doesn't want food, Max." Harvey responds before getting out of the car.

During the rest of the day, Max kept a close eye on his twin brother's girlfriend, noticing different things such as how quiet she was and how she was refusing to take her jumper off no matter how warm she got. Harvey had started noticing her off behaviour too, both of them realising she had missed both breakfast and lunch when she told Sara she'd eaten. When they got home, Mia went straight upstairs to Harvey's room without getting dinner with everyone else.

"Right, what the hell is going on with Mia?" Sara asks her sons as they look at her.

"You've noticed too?" Max replies, watching his Mum nod.

"She didn't eat at all whilst we were out, and she lied about breakfast this morning." Sara informs as the two boys nod. Mia sits upstairs in Harvey's room staring at the wall before her phone goes off. She looks down to see a message from Isobel, Mia opening her phone to see a screenshot of something Harvey had commented on one of her friends' posts with the fire emojis. She already knew about this considering Mia was there when he did it, but with the day she had it brought her to tears. Mia bursts out into tears, the girl crying whilst her boyfriend sat downstairs discussing all the possibilities of what was wrong with her.

"I'm gonna go check on her." Harvey informs his family before disappearing upstairs. He could hear her crying from the bottom of the stairs, the boy sprinting his way up both flights of stairs and into his room to comfort her. He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her, standing in between her legs as she cries into his chest.

"What's going on?" Harvey asks, kneeling down so he could see her.

"Mia tell me, you're worrying me." Harvey warns her as she hides her hands in her sleeves, wiping her face in frustration.

"Stupid jeans don't fit me." Mia mumbles as Harvey tilts his head at her.

"So you just go and starve yourself all day?" Harvey asks her as she looks at him.

"Mia you can't do that, you can seriously harm yourself." Harvey continues as she shakes her head.

"It's no different from what I used to do at school." Mia replies as he furrows his eyebrows.

"Is that why you never had money on the machine?" Harvey asks, watching her nod hesitantly.

"I used to give it to Sammi so she could eat, I didn't care about eating 'cause I was used to never eating." Mia replies as he shakes his head, feeling himself get upset.

"Mia you can't do that, you can't starve yourself, I'm not gonna let you." Harvey rambles on as she takes her hair down from the ponytail it was in.

"What jeans don't fit you?" Harvey asks as she stands up, getting them for him. He takes them off of her, finding the hole in the knee and ripping it even wider, watching her mouth drop open.

"You can get new ones." Harvey informs her as he continues to rip them.

"Harv-" She goes to interrupt him as he shakes his head, throwing the pair of jeans on his bed.

"You're literally perfect to me, every inch of you is drop dead gorgeous. It doesn't matter if you put weight on or not, you will always, and I mean always, be beautiful to me." Harvey continues his rambling before he stops to look at her.

"Please eat something, Juliet, please." He whispers to her, watching her contemplate it in her head. He watches as she nods hesitantly, the boy pulling her out of his room and straight down to the kitchen so they could make dinner. Mia sits on the kitchen counter as she watches Harvey rummage through the drawers in the fridge and then the freezer to find something for them to eat.

"Shall we just get dominoes?" Harvey asks, causing her to laugh.

"Can do." Mia responds as he stands between her legs again.

"Promise you won't do that again?" He asks, holding his pinky finger out to her.

"Promise." She responds, locking her pinky with his before giving him a sweet kiss. Max walks in seconds later, pretending to be sick everywhere just like he usually does to annoy them both.

"If you're getting dominoes, I'm having dominoes too." Max warns them both as Mia laughs.

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