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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 31st, 2019

"Morning!" Tilly squeals as she jumps on Max's bed, waiting to wake the boy to give him a happy birthday. Max groans just as Mia walks out of the bathroom midway through plaiting her hair, laughing at Tilly who was still jumping on Max's bed.

"Tilly go get a shower and get dressed hun." Mia encourages, the girl stopping her actions to go do what Mia said. As soon as the bathroom door shuts, Max huffs and rolls over, clearly unimpressed with the wake-up call.

"Come on Max, it's your birthday." Mia informs as he groans again.

"I'm too tired." He responds as she climbs onto his bed and stands up straight, her head nowhere near the ceiling like it would be if it were Harvey.

"Don't you start jumping." Max warns her as she does exactly that. Max laughs, grabbing her ankle and pulling it from under her, the girl slipping and falling onto the mattress laughing.

"I swear Tilly is just as bad an influence on you as you are for her." Max comments as Mia sits up.

"You shouldn't sleep in on your birthday, come on." Mia presses as Max laughs.

"You slept in." Max contradicts her as she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't, Tilly woke me up when she tried coming in, Harvey and I just have each other our presents separately." Mia informs as he rolls his eyes.

"Alright, alright." Max sighs as Mia grins. She gets off of the bed and walks over to the mirror, pulling her necklace out from underneath her jumper so it wasn't getting on her nerves. After Max and Tilly had both showered and changed, the three of them left the cabin to make their way to the cafe.

"My ankle hurts." Mia whines as she starts to limp, the cut she obtained from the night previous now starting to hurt.

"Is it your cut?" Max asks, noticing she'd stopped a while back. Both he and Tilly made their way over to her, Mia clutching her ankle in pain as Max thinks for a second.

"Jump on my back." Max tells Mia, the girl furrowing her eyebrows.

"It's only until we get to the cafe." Max continues as Mia sighs, jumping on the boys back as he races Tilly down to the cafe, all three of them laughing when they arrive. Mia jumps off his back as they get their food, Mia getting her usual fruit bowl before she limps over to the table and sits beside her boyfriend.

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