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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 31st, 2020

Just as Mia finishes curling her hair, Harvey walks back into his room wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a blazer, a white collared shirt underneath which was unbuttoned slightly. Mia readjusted her dress for the 6th time that day before she turns to look at her boyfriend with a smile.

"I don't think I've seen you in a dress since prom." Harvey looks her up and down a few times as Mia scrunches her nose at him.

"You haven't, I only ever wear them for special occasions." Mia responds as she looks back in the mirror, separating the curls in her hair.

"You ready to go?" He asks her, watching her shake her head.

"Let me just put my shoes on then I'll be ready." Mia informs him, the girl sitting down on the edge of her bed whilst she ties up her Converse. Once she was done, she and Harvey made their way downstairs together.

"Can I please get a photo of you both?" Sara pleads as Harvey smiles. They stand side by side, Harvey's hand resting on Mia's waist as hers rests on his back and chest, Sara taking a photo of them both before her phone starts ringing.

"Yeah we're late." Mia informs Harvey as she grabs her car keys.

"How late?" Harvey asks, the two of them saying quick goodbyes to his family before making their way to Mia's car, the sun shining brightly in the sky. They both get into her car as Mia sets off driving to the place her Father rented for their engagement party, parking up outside after she and Harvey danced to One Direction in the car.

"You're late." Her Auntie says as Mia nods.

"It's my stupid hair, also hey Auntie Roo." She laughs as she hugs the older woman.

"Is this the boy your Father hasn't shut up about all morning?" She asks as Mia nods.

"Auntie Roo, this is my boyfriend Harvey, Harv this is my Auntie Koreen." Mia introduces them both as Harvey shakes her hand politely. Harvey takes hold of Mia's hand just as they walk outside where everyone was. Her Auntie Roo smiles as she walks outside with Harvey, the two of them whispering to each other as they walk down to the group of people.

"She finally arrives." Freddie exclaims as she walks over to her dad.

"Sorry, my hair took me ages and we ended up missing two alarms." Mia apologises as Harvey stands beside her.

"You do own clothes that aren't Supreme!" Freddie says to Harvey as Harvey laughs.

"Very little." Harvey responds as he looks at Mia who was looking at the group in front of her.

"Is that Uncle Tommo?" She asks, watching her father nod with a smile. Her Uncle turns to look at her when he hears her say his name, smiling as he walks over to the girl and engulfs her in a bear hug.

"I've missed you Pea." He exclaims as she laughs.

"Look at you with red hair." Mia says as she runs her hands through it.

"Look at you with blue hair, Miss I'm never gonna dye or cut my hair." Tommo replies sassily, causing the girl to smile.

"Oh, Tommo, this is my boyfriend Harvey." Mia pulls him by her side, the blonde boy smiling at her uncle.

"The Infamous Harvey Mills that my older brother wants to kill, nice to meet you." Tommo smiles, shaking Harvey's hand.

"18 this year Mia, gonna come out drinking with us for New Years?" Tommo asks her, watching her shrug hesitantly.

"Depends." Mia replies, watching him tilt his head to the side in confusion.

"Harvey's birthday is on New Years." She explains.

"Oh right, oh so you're older than him? That's cool." Tommo responds. The two of them converse for a little while longer before Mia and Harvey decide to have a walk together alone.

"Your Uncle Tommo wasn't as old as I was expecting." Harvey admits as Mia looks at him.

"He's only 19, my dad's the oldest of six." Mia informs him, watching the blonde boy nod.

"19 this year?" Harvey continues to ask questions.

"He turns 20 in November." Mia responds as she swings hers and Harvey's hands back and forth.

"Is his real name Tommo?" Harvey asks after minutes of silence.

"His name is Anthony, my Nana and Grandad used to call him Tony and I've always really called him Tommo." Mia responds before she looks at her boyfriend.

"Don't run off with any French Girls when you're in France, will you?" Mia asks jokingly as Harvey looks at her, shaking his head.

"Why would I when you're right here?" Harvey smirks, cocking his head to the side softly. Freddie watches his daughter as she frolics about with the boy, finally coming to terms with the fact they were happy and were probably not gonna split up anytime soon. When the couple finally return to the rest of the group, Mia walks inside to go to the bathroom which leaves Harvey standing alone doing nothing. Freddie excuses himself from his brothers, the three of them going 'ooo' in unison as he makes his way to Harvey.

"Harvey." Freddie says sternly, the blonde boy looking at his girlfriend's father.

"I'm warning you now, and you have one chance and one chance only. Break Mia's heart, hurt her or even go so far as to make her cry, I can assure you now that she will not be seeing you ever again, you hear me?" Freddie warns him, Harvey nodding softly.

"Now come on, come meet some of the family son." Freddie smiles, putting his arm around Harvey's shoulder and walking over to his brothers again. When Mia comes back outside she goes over to Lucee, hugging the woman tightly before joining in on the conversation with her and her family. She eventually gets bored of talking about teaching so she makes her way over to her Uncles, standing beside her Father and Harvey.

"Princess Mia makes an appearance." Tommo says as she rolls her eyes.

"Hey Ollie, Frankie." Mia says as she high-fives her other uncles.

"How's College kiddo?" Frankie asks her as Mia shrugs.

"Same old, same old." Mia responds as she slips her hand into Harvey's, the boy squeezing it a little to let her know he was okay.

"I love you." He whispers in her ear, the girl smiling and leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." She whispers back.

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