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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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February 10th, 2020

Mia bops her head along to the song playing through her Spotify, the girl being early to her class so she just took the extra time to finish off her sketch. Kieran walks in and sits beside her, looking Mia up and down with a smirk as he does so. Mia doesn't notice, continuing to sing along to her song in her head before it switches and it plays 'HUMBLE' by Kendrick Lamar. Once the lesson starts, Mia takes her earphones out and puts them in their case so she can focus on Joanne.

Kieran continues to look at Mia's phone to see if she'd received any messages from Harvey, Mia only realising he was acting creepy and jealous when she turned around and saw his angry face.

"Are you okay?" Mia asks, genuinely concerned for him.

"Fine." Kieran spits back, taking her by surprise. She furrows her eyebrows and continues the sketch she was on, Kieran's hand making it's way to her thigh. She jumps in surprise when he squeezes it, the girl moving her hand under the table so she could move his hand off of her.

"Can you let go of me please?" Mia asks kindly as Kieran looks at her.

"Oh come on Mia, we both know you can get it so much better from me rather than that popstar you're seeing." Kieran scoffs, the boy beginning to move his hand further up.

"Kieran let go of me you creep." Mia responds but the boy doesn't listen. Mia stands up seconds later, her hand connecting with his cheek harshly which made her hand sting, so it must've hurt him. Kieran holds his cheek in shock as the entire class look at Mia in shock, not one of them expecting her to ever slap anyone in lesson.

"What the fuck was that for?" Kieran grimaces as he stands up, practically towering over Mia.

"When I tell you to stop touching me, I mean it." Mia seethes as Joanne stands up in case Mia went for him again.

"Oh please, you're asking for it when you look like that. You practically beg for it everyday with what you wear, I wonder what that precious boyfriend of yours will think when I tell him you're a needy little slag." Kieran retorts, Joanne's mouth dropping in shock.

"Keep Harvey out of this. I don't understand what your obsession is with him, is it because he can actually do that without getting slapped or what?" She retaliates, the blonde-haired boy growing angrier by the second.

"Kieran out, go to Lisa now." Joanne shouts as Kieran rolls his eyes, grabbing all of his stuff before leaving the classroom with a huff.

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