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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 6th, 2020

"You've passed with no faults." Her driving instructor says as she smiles.

"I'm proud of you, I remember how nervous you were to start driving." Molly says to her as Mia nods.

"Thank you." Mia responds as Molly nods. Mia pays the driving instructor before she gets out of the car with her certificate in her hand. She moves her hair behind her shoulder as she walks down the road, crossing the street to get to Harvey's estate. When she arrives back, she goes straight upstairs to find Harvey and show him that she had passed her test. She was initially meant to take her test in the beginning of April, but then Lockdown came and it ended up being cancelled so she had to reschedule.

"Harvey?" Mia calls as Max walks out of his room.

"He's in the shower." Max informs her as she nods.

"What's that?" Max asks as she hands him the certificate.

"She can drive!" Max exclaims happily as she laughs.

"I can finally buy a car!" Mia exclaims in just as much happiness, the two of them laughing at one another. Harvey heard all the noise whilst he was in the shower, the boy hurrying himself so he could see Mia's certificate. He got dressed as fast as possible and walked out of the bathroom to see the blue certificate in Mia's hand, the girl talking to Max about the car she wanted.

"You passed!" Harvey exclaims happily as she looks at him.

"I did." Mia smiles as he hugs her tightly.

"Did she pass?" Sara calls as she gets to the bottom of the steps.

"She sure did!" Max calls as Sara cheers.

"I need to ring my dad." Mia mutters as she gets her phone out of her pocket.

"What do you reckon he'll say?" Max asks her, watching the brunette shrug.

"I'll put him on Speaker." Mia suggests as both the twins nod. They all move into Max's room as she calls her dad, the girl taking her jacket off whilst it rings.

"Mia! I'm glad you called." Freddie says cheerily as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Hey Dad, I had my driving test today." Mia starts off sounding upset as she hears her dad mutter.

"I assume from the down tone that you didn't pass?" Freddie asks in frustration as Mia smirks to herself.

"I passed, actually." Mia replies as both the boys cheer.

"Well done, I'm proud of you." Freddie exclaims in excitement as Mia smiles.

"Thank you." Mia responds as her phone starts to vibrate. She looks down to see her dad facetime her, so she picks up and waits for his face to pop up.

"Right, I need you to do me a favour." Freddie says, Mia nodding in silence.

"At home, in the kitchen cupboard there's the cup we keep spare keys in, I need you to go home and get that key, go into the garage and see what's there for you." Freddie instructed her as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Dad you've not." Mia gasps as he nods.

"I bought it just before lockdown, and obviously you went straight to Harvey's house without going home so it's been collecting dust." Freddie laughs as she moves some hair out of her face.

"What car is it?" Mia asks, watching her father shake his head.

"You have to go find out, text me when you've seen it." Freddie orders.

"Alright, I will." Mia responds before they say their goodbyes. Once her father had disappeared from her screen, she looked at both twins before the three of them scrambled up. Mia grabbed her house keys from Harvey's room before running downstairs after Max. Tilly and Leo look at each other in confusion as they follow the three, stopping in the kitchen to see Max getting a drink.

"Max come on!" Harvey calls as Max puts his drink back and disappears instantly. The three of them make their way to Mia's house, the brunette unlocking her door and walking in, not bothering to take her shoes off like she usually would. She walks into the kitchen and opens the cup cupboard, reaching into the cup where all of the spare keys were to get the key her dad was talking about. Mia pulls it out of the cup, staring at the Mini logo in front of her before she makes her way to the garage.

"I've probably said for the last 15 years that I wanted my first car to be a Mini Cooper." Mia laughs as she admires the car in front of her.

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