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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 28th, 2019

Mia smiles as she relaxes on one of the sun loungers, her eyes protected by her sunglasses and her skin lathered in SPF 50 Sunscreen. Tilly and Sara sat on either side of her doing the same thing, the four boys nowhere to be seen whatsoever.

"So, Millie, how's college going?" Sara asks as she puts her book down.

"It's actually great, the boy I sit with is acting weird at the moment though." Mia informs as Sara nods.

"I was going to ask you this a little while ago, but Paul and I's wedding anniversary is coming up and I was wondering if you'd be able to draw me a portrait of our wedding photos?" Sara says as Mia sits up, pulling her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

"I'd love to do that! I never get anyone asking me to draw personal photos." Mia grins as Sara returns the smile.

"How much will it be depending on how big?" Sara asks, watching Mia shake her head.

"I don't want paying for it, Sara. I'm literally on holiday with you, you're more parents to me then my dad is, consider it a thank you for everything." Mia replies, Sara nodding hesitantly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure." Mia interrupts her, Sara smiling widely. The three girls are snapped from their sunbathing when Leo runs outside and jumps straight in the pool right near them, splashing all of them.

"Uh-oh, incoming." Sara says as Mia sits up instantly, her calmness now being replaced with panic as Harvey, Max and Paul make their way to the three. Paul picks Sara up and chucks her into the pool, Max doing the same to Tilly as Mia jumps up and stands behind her chair, Harvey stood in front of her.

"Come on Juliet, it's tradition for the girls to get dunked." Harvey grins as she pulls a trick, pretending to go left so he would go that way when she was actually running right.

"We've got a runner!" Harvey shouts, people on the ship looking at them with smiles as he chases Mia around the deck. Mia runs inside, hiding behind a potted plant as he runs straight past her, Mia slipping back outside to get away from him.

"Harvey she's here!" Leo shouts, Harvey coming out the entrance she just got to and catching her.

"Harvey Kitt Mills if you throw me in that pool I won't speak to you ever again." Mia says, absolutely terrified of swimming. The girl could swim, she learned from her Nana, but she had an incident in a pool when she was younger and it put her off ever since.

"Harvey please don't throw me in, I beg." Mia continues her plea, the boy finally noticing how scared she was when he got to the edge of the pool.

"Please please please, Harvey please." She begins tearing up, Harvey putting her feet down on the floor as she sighs in relief.

"Are you okay?" Harvey asks as she wipes the tears that had escaped her eyes.

"I don't like swimming pools." Mia informs as he frowns.

"You should've told me earlier." Harvey says, Max swimming over to the edge.

"Well I didn't expect you to try and throw me in the pool." Mia retorts as he smiles. Mia makes her way back to her lounger where Sara and Tilly had both returned, the girl putting her sunglasses back on before Harvey sits at the edge of her lounger.

"How come you don't like them?" He asks as she looks at him.

"One of my cousins tried dunking me when I was younger and held my head under for too long, my Nana had to force him off of me so I could breathe." Mia says quietly, watching him frown.

"I'm gonna guess you don't speak to him anymore." Harvey laughs, Mia joining in whilst she nods. He kisses her softly before running and jumping in the pool himself, Mia laughing when Max splashes him with water.

After a few more hours of sunbathing, chatting and swimming, the family went back to their rooms to change. Mia looks at two outfits she had lay out on the bed, Max emerging from the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go.

"Go with the cherry's." Max comments, not even having to get Mia's asking to see she was struggling. Mia smiles, thanking him softly before going to the bathroom to have a cold shower and change, being careful not to wet her hair. Once she changed and got her Nike Air Force 1s on, she takes out the braids in her hair and clips back the front pieces. Once her, Max and Tilly had all finished changing, they made their way down to the cafe where everyone else was waiting for them. Max lets Mia slip in beside Harvey before sitting down beside her, Sara smiling as she looks at how dressed up Mia was.

"Mia, you look so different with your hair like that." Leo compliments as Mia looks at him.

"Thank you." Mia responds kindly as Harvey kisses her head softly.

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