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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 2nd, 2020

"Okay but the 'fit today absolutely radiates bad bitch energy." Isobel compliments as she, Luke and Mia walk into College.

"It radiates sexy, like please tell me how you pull this off." Isobel continues, making Mia laugh.

"I genuinely question your sexuality at times." Mia responds, putting her phone into her bag as they approach their classroom.

"Who's ready for a year of drawing absolute shit again?" Luke questions, all three of them laughing as they walk into the classroom.

Mia was caught off guard when she looked up and noticed there was a seating plan on the board, herself, Isobel and Luke all having been split up and put on opposite sides of the class to one another. She frowned as she took her seat by one of the other students named Sophie who had already started doodling on her new notebook. Mia waved at both Isobel and Luke from across the table before Joanne began her lesson, all of them being caught up in a 35 minute brief before they could actually start doing any work.

Mia's phone was out on the desk, her Airpods connected as she hummed quietly along to a 5 Seconds of Summer song, not noticing she had a few messages from her two friends who were both upset they got moved from each other.

"Mia, I think you friends are trying to catch your attention." Sophie nudges her, the girl looking up from her sketchbook to see Luke and Isobel pointing to their phones. She looks down at her own phone and realises why they were doing that, the girl replying to the messages in the groupchat.

Harvey smiled as he walked into Waitrose with his Mum, the boy prepared to find something to give Mia when she got back. He stopped in the flowers whilst his Mum disappeared, Harvey feeling a little uncomfortable as he felt as though he was being watched, and he was in fact correct.

"Harvey, right?" Freddie exclaims, looking at the blonde boy.

"Mr Parkinson." Harvey looks at him, the boy confused as to why he was being spoken to by him.

"I want you to do something for me." Freddie looks at him, Harvey furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why me?" Harvey asks, Freddie scoffing.

"If I remember correctly, you're the one dating my daughter." Freddie smirks.

"Okay, what about her?" Harvey questions.

"I want you to break up with her." Freddie speaks, the older man being totally serious.

"Why?" Harvey questions again.

"Because I said so. If you don't, I can guarantee you'll never see her again, after all, we are meant to be moving to Germany." Freddie smirks, patting the boys shoulder.

"I expect never to see you again, Mills." He seethes before the man disappears. Harvey stood staring at the flowers in front of him in despair, surely she hadn't agreed to move away without telling Harvey, right?

Mia sighed in sadness as she sat in her seat, her sketch not up to her usual standard considering she hadn't used this type of paper in a while. She rubbed some of the harsh lines out and replaced them before her phone pinged, the sound radiating through her Airpods. Expecting it to be Luke and Isobel, she picks up her phone and unlocks it, her heart dropping at the text she'd been sent.

"Lunchtime!" Joanne shouts, everyone cheering silently. They all begin making their way out of the college to go have their dinner, Mia putting her AirPods back in their case in her bag, beginning to panic a little.

"What's up with you? You've gone white." Luke asks, Mia showing them both the message.

"He did not just break up with you over text." Isobel shakes her head, reading the message a few more times before Mia puts her phone up to her ear, the girl trying to call him. Harvey's heart ached when the name popped up on the screen, declining the call a few seconds later because of how awful he felt.

Mia spent the rest of her college day trying to get hold of Harvey, the girl genuinely worried as to why he just messaged her and hadn't said anything else. She's messaged numerous times, called over 100 times and left him a few voicemails, Harvey not responding to absolutely any of them.

"Max!" She screams as if she'd just won the lottery. She presses his contact and calls him, the twin picking up his phone almost instantly.

"Hey! I've missed you." Max asks, clearly happy to see someone else then his bedroom walls.

"Hey Max, how are you?" She questions, moving her hair behind her shoulders.

"I'm great, slowly recovering. Everything okay with you?" Max asks.

"No. Harvey messaged me saying it's over, he won't answer any of my calls or texts." Mia responds, Max's eyebrows furrowing.

"Why's he done that?" Max questions, watching the girl shrug.

"I don't know but it was abrupt. I mean we were on facetime all day yesterday and he seemed fine." Mia sighs, tears finally making their way down her cheeks.

"I'll ring you later." Max ends the call, Mia shaking her head. Max makes his way to Harvey's room and looks at the blonde boy with a death stare, Harvey furrowing his eyebrows.

"What's happened to you and Mia?" Max questions.

"Oh." Harvey looks at his hands.

"Explain, please." Max looks at him. Max sits with his mouth wide open as Harvey explains the ordeal, Max clearly shocked considering he said Freddie had been nice to him at the engagement party.

"You cannot tell her, please." Harvey begs.

"I won't, just be careful." Max warns him.

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