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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 30th, 2019

Just as Mia finishes brushing her teeth, Max walks into the bathroom sleepily and smiles at her. He ruffled her hair up, the girl rolling her eyes before poking him in the stomach, walking out of the bathroom so he can get dressed and whatnot. Both Max and Mia ended up sleeping in later than usual so everyone had already had breakfast and was chilling out around the boat.

"Your phone keeps going off Mia." Max calls from the bathroom as Mia groans, rubbing her eyes sleepily. He holds his hand out of the door, her phone sitting in the palm of his hand as she takes it and unlocks it with her Face ID. She finally answers the messages from Harvey, throwing her phone at her pillows as she sits in front of the mirror to do her hair.

"Why did we go to bed so late?" Max groans as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Because Tik Tok is addictive." Mia laughs softly as she ties her hair up in a messy bun before putting in her earrings.

"It's nearly 12 pm, how lazy are we?" Max laughs as he sits down beside Mia to do his hair.

"Apparently we're very lazy." Mia responds as she leans back for a second. When Max finished his hair, he stood up and helped his brother's girlfriend up as well, the two of them leaving with their phones and key card in their hands. The family all clap and cheer as they make it down to them, congratulating them for finally waking up.

"Why did you sleep so long guys?" Sara asks as Max laughs to himself a little.

"Mia was trying to teach me tik tok dances, and it's safe to say we're pretty good at them." Max responds as they look at Mia who had her eyes shut and was standing completely still.

"Is she alive?" Tilly whispers, poking the girl's leg.

"I'm alright, I just went dizzy." Mia informs before opening her eyes again.

"We've only just finished up lunch, it's still on if you guys are hungry." Paul confirmed as she and Max looked at each other.

"Come on then." Mia rolls her eyes as he claps his hands happily. Harvey just comes back from the bathroom when he sees Mia walk into the cafe with Max, the two of them deep in conversation.

"They've only gone to get something to eat, Harv, they'll be back out in half an hour." Sara reassures her son before lying back down. Both Mia and Max eat their lunch, complaining about how tired they were as well as laughing at the dances they had recorded last night. They were afraid of waking Tilly up so they did them as quiet as possible but even when they got a little louder she stayed asleep. Once they'd finished they made their way back to the family, Mia standing behind Harvey and leaning over, the boy looking at her with a smile.

"Morning." Harvey grins as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"How are you love?" Mia asks as she sits down beside him. The two of them talk for the next two hours, just discussing random theories and whatnot. The family all go for dinner and go back to their seats, chatting about random and unnecessary topics.

"No! Water isn't wet." Mia exclaims as the family laugh.

"It is!" Harvey retorts as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"It makes things wet, but you can't make water wet." Mia replies as Harvey shrugs.

"It's still wet." Harvey grins as she shakes her head, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Are you tired again?" Sara asks in shock as she nods.

"I'm always tired." Mia laughs as the night sky sets around them. Harvey pulls Mia closer to him as it got colder around them, Mia's arms covered in goosebumps at the sudden change in temperature. He kisses her head as Sara and Paul finally decide to make their way back to the cabins. Max, Tilly and Leo all stand up too, ready to get into bed themselves so Mia and Harvey decided to stand up and go with them too.

"Wait, watch this." Harvey says as he slides across a glass walkway. Harvey encourages Mia to try, the girl doing the exact same, tripping and catching her ankle on something sharp.

"Mia's bleeding!" Tilly calls as Sara and Paul make there way over. Harvey goes again, also tripping and slicing his shin open on the same sharp thing, the two of them looking at each other and laughing.

"Harvey." Sara scolds as she helps Mia up, Harvey getting up himself.

"Let's go find the Nurse." Sara rolls her eyes as the family makes their way below deck to find the nurse. Once they finally arrived at the Nurse's Office, it was shut, and the girl had bled all over her white sock and it was about to ruin her white converse. Sara sighs as they get back into the lift to go upstairs, her and Harvey staying quiet the entire time. They found a member of the crew to help them, both of their injuries being cleaned up properly whilst Sara, Paul, Tilly, Max and Leo went back to their cabins.

"I don't think my mum's impressed that I got you injured." Harvey says as Mia looks at him.

"It wasn't your fault, don't worry." Mia responds as the crew member finishes up. The two of them walk away in pain, Mia handling it a lot better than Harvey did, making their way back up to their cabins.

"Oh, look what time it is." Mia says softly as Harvey checks his phone.

"Gone midnight." Harvey informs as they stop outside of Mia's door.

"Happy Birthday love." Mia says softly as Harvey smiles.

"Thank you." He replies as she presses a sweet kiss to his lips, the boy pulling her closer to him to deepen the kiss.

"I'll see you in the morning." She whispers, opening the door to her room as Harvey walks back to his room.

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