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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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November 14th, 2020

Mia looks at the mirror and watches Harvey as he picks out an outfit for himself to wear on Saturday Mash-Up, the girl straightening her hair considering she'd showered this morning and it had gone curly. Harvey finally chose a jacket and slipped it on, moving to stand behind Mia so he could sort his hair out, the boy bending over to kiss her cheek when he was done.

"I'll be done in a minute." She responds, sectioning off the last part of her hair. Harvey nods and sits down on the edge of the box, admiring her as she did her hair with ease.

"Can I try?" He questions, the girl looking at her boyfriend with worry.

"You can but don't burn my hair off will you?" She responds, handing the straighteners to him. Harvey looks at her before moving to sit beside her, the boy doing exactly what she did warily in case her hair got burnt and snapped off.

"What do you think?" He grins, turning off the straighteners.

"I wasn't finished." She laughs, the boy handing them back to her after turning them back on. She takes the remaining part of her hair out and finishes straightening her hair, making sure it looked sleek before she turned them off and let them cool down.

"Alright Juliet, let's go." Harvey stands up, holding his hand out for her. She takes it gracefully, the boy helping her up before she let's go of his hand to pull down her skirt and put her converse on.

"Now I'm ready." Mia smiles, the girl picking her phone up before slipping her hand into Harvey's, the two of them leaving the hotel room. Harvey knocks on Max's door to let him know they were ready, the brunette boy walking out of his room before three of them make their way to BBC Dockhouse.

"I recognise you." Joe says, looking at Mia with a slightly tilted head, the girl going a little red in the cheeks.

"Last time I saw you I'm pretty sure one of your friends was going awol on Harvey." He continues, the girl sighing as she moves some hair from her face.

"Pretend you didn't see me at all please." Mia responds, causing Joe to laugh.

"Joe." He smiles, introducing himself.

"Mia." She responds to him with a soft smile.

"Alright, let's get on with the show shall we?" Joe grins excitedly.

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