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March 25th, 2020

Freddie sighs as he throws his keys onto his hotel bed, kicking off his shoes and taking off his blazer. He picks up his phone to see a message from Lucee, replying to the message before a facetime call came through.

"Hey Luce." Freddie smiles at his girlfriend as Lucee grins.

"Hey Fred, how are you?" Lucee asks as Freddie shrugs.

"Tired, how are you and Mia?" Freddie questions, Lucee putting her phone down on the counter so she could finish making her lunch.

"I'm great, the house is quiet though, and you should ask Mia how she is if you wanna know." Lucee responds as she stirs the pan of pasta.

"Can't you just call Mia downstairs?" Freddie huffs in frustration as Lucee shakes her head.

"She went back to Berkshire." Lucee informs, Freddie's eyes nearly popping out of his head.

"She's home alone in my house?" Freddie inquires, watching Lucee shake her head.

"She's staying with Harvey, you know, her boyfriend." Lucee replies, Freddie's mouth dropping open in shock.

"Sorry, she's got a boyfriend?" Freddie queries, Lucee's eyes going wide when she realises she just told Freddie the one thing Mia told her not to tell him.

"How long have they been together?" Freddie questions as Lucee swallows the guilt in her throat.

"Since last May." Lucee sighs, knowing Mia was going to absolutely hate her for this.

"I'm gonna ring you back when I've spoken to Mia." Freddie replies bluntly before ending the call. He runs a hand through his hair in anger, pressing Mia's contact on his phone before putting his phone up to his ear.

"Uhm, hello?" Mia answers wearily, the girl sitting in the living room with Harvey's entire family.

"When the fuck were you going to tell me about your boyfriend?" Freddie asks angrily, Mia going completely quiet. He hears Mia excuse herself from the family, walking into the hallway and upstairs.

"Why are you acting like you care about me all of a sudden?" Mia retorts, her father getting even more upset with her.

"Don't get bitchy, Mia, answer the damn question." Freddie continues as Mia rolls her eyes on the other end of the phone.

"I was probably going to tell you when it hit 1 year, but with you being in Tokyo I figured I didn't have too." Mia replies, the girl sitting at the top of the stairs of Harvey's house.

"It's that Drama kid isn't it? The one who thinks he's famous?" Freddie inquires, hearing Mia laugh.

"You mean Harvey? You know he has a name right?" Mia replies with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"I want you to break up with him, now and get back to Manchester with Lucee." Freddie commands.

"No can do Freddie, no can do, you see, you don't really have a say in what I do now or ever, you've not had that right since you dumped me with Nana when I was 5." Mia argues, Freddie shocked that she was arguing with him.

"Mia listen to me or else." Freddie warns.

"Wait! Don't forget me!" Mia says to Max as the two of them laugh.

"Amelia Noelle Parkinson, do what I told you to do now." Freddie scolds her, Mia not listening to a word he was saying because she was downstairs in the kitchen with Max, Harvey, Tilly and Leo.

"I gotta go Freddie, I'll see you later." Mia replies before the line goes dead. Freddie punches the wall in his hotel room out of anger, the man absolutely fuming and red in the face that his daughter wasn't listening to him. He calls Lucee back minutes later after he'd calmed down, the man looking at his knuckles where they'd split open.

"Did she answer?" Lucee asks as Freddie nods.

"What did you say to her?" Lucee continues as Freddie rolls his eyes.

"I told her to breakup with him, she didn't listen." Freddie responds, causing Lucee to roll her eyes.

"Leave her be, Fred. They're great together, obviously you wouldn't know that because you never see her. They're genuinely so sweet together, he makes her feel so special and loved and I honestly love it when he visits because he's so polite. You need to leave her alone, Fred, she's 18 and the end of the year." Lucee rants as Freddie rolls his eyes.

"I told her-" Freddie begins but Lucee cuts him off.

"When has she ever listened to what you tell her? You've literally turned your own daughter against you, Freddie, it's no wonder she wants to always be with Harvey's parents, they treat her more like a daughter than you do." Lucee argues as Freddie goes quiet.

"I've gotta go, I'm making my dinner, I'll see you when you get back from Tokyo." Lucee ends the call straight after as he stares at the screen, going to Mia's messages to text her.

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