827 13 0

March 16th, 2019

Mia laughs as Harvey finally finishes the plait in her hair, his practice that he did on Tilly finally paying off. He smiles at his masterpiece as Mia makes them a little looser and pulls a few pieces out to frame her face before she stands up.

"Ooh, pins and needles." Mia says as she wobbles a little, Harvey holding onto her arm so she doesn't fall.

"Thank you." She smiles softly before lying back on her bed, her feet hanging over the edge.

"I'm still upset my Dad cancelled Netflix, what the hell am I gonna do now?" Mia huffs as Harvey looks at her.

"Why did he cancel it?" Harvey queries as she sighs, turning over on her stomach so she was facing him.

"Mia your exams are coming up, Mia you're unfocused at school, Mia you can't keep getting into trouble at school your grades are slipping." Mia mocks her Father as Harvey laughs. Neither of them heard her front door open and shut downstairs, Freddie noticing the abnormally large pair of shoes and jacket that definitely wasn't Mia's hung up on the coat rack. Freddie feels the anger rise inside of him as he makes his way upstairs as quietly as possible, walking into Mia's room which causes the two of them to jump out of their skin.

"Mia! I didn't know we had guests." Freddie exclaims as Mia swallows the lump in her throat.

"Yeah, uhm, Dad this is my partner for Drama." Mia stutters as Harvey stands up to introduce himself.

"Ah, you've never spoken to me about him before." Freddie says as Mia shrugs.

"Hi, uh, I'm Harvey." He holds his hand out for Freddie to shake, Freddie shaking it with a little too much force.

"Alright, I'll leave you two to practice then." Freddie grins as he leaves his daughter's room.

"Shit shit shit shit shit." Mia repeats over and over again as Harvey watches her have a meltdown.

"Hey, hey, calm down. He seemed to be okay with me." Harvey says as Mia shakes her head, knowing she was going to get in a lot of trouble when he left.

"Yeah, yeah I guess he was." Mia lies as she sits back down. The two of them spent the rest of the day going through their final runthrough together before their exam the next week. Mia wasn't as comfortable as she usually was when they were rehearsing because she was shitting it for when Harvey left. When it came time for Harvey to go, Mia waves him off before going upstairs to get her phone and go back down to the kitchen to make her dinner. Harvey calls her, him and Mia talking on speaker for a second as her Father walks into the kitchen. Mia hits mute on the keypad as her Father looks at her.

"What have I told you about having people in the house when I'm not here?" Freddie bellows as Mia looks at him.

"I was rehearsing for Drama." Mia responds as Freddie scoffs.

"Bullshit, Mia, I know exactly what you were doing." Freddie shouts, not realising Harvey could hear everything they were saying because she didn't press mute like she thought she had.

"I have an exam for Drama next week, we were doing the final run through."

"You're such a disrespectful little bitch, honestly, it's no wonder your Mum didn't want you to go with her." Freddie spits, looking at Mia as she goes completely quiet.

"I give you everything, Mia. I gave you a roof over your head, I give you money every week to keep yourself happy, I made sure you concentrated in school and you go and repay me by being disloyal?"

"Is that the boy who you keep getting into trouble for? Is that him? I knew it was." Freddie spits as Mia sighs, moving a hand through her hair.

"I swear on your life, Mia, if you come home with a child at any point I will kick you out of this house and I will disown you." Freddie continues as Mia folds her arms over her chest.

"Are we done here?" Mia asks as Freddie scoffs.

"See, disrespectful again."

"I'm not being disrespectful, you're being a jackass with me for practicing for my GCSE's. I give up trying to reason with you actually, cook dinner for yourself for once asshole." Mia comments, grabbing her phone and making her way to her room and locking the door.

"Harvey, I know you heard all of this, but please do not try to text or call me tomorrow 'cause he's gonna have my phone." Mia says as she hears her fathers footsteps, ending the call as quickly as possible.

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