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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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June 1st, 2020

Mia smiles as she scrolls through the hashtag 'miaparky' on Instagram, the girl going through to see videos of the same exact thing.

"Harv, look at this." Mia says as she scrolls through, the video the only thing she could see.

"Watch it." Harvey says as he rolls onto his stomach to see what the video was all about.

"You know who is good looking, Mia Parkinson." Noah says as Griffin and Bryce laugh.

"Wait, doesn't she have a boyfriend?" Bryce as Griffin scoffs.

"It's one of those twins, gawh what are they called." Bryce tries his hardest to think

"Mate, Noah's got no competition then has he?." Griffin says as he and Bryce laugh.

"Boys." Mia scoffs as she throws her phone behind her.

"Don't generalise us all." Harvey responds jokingly as she looks at him.

"I love you, don't worry." Mia smiles as he presses a kiss to her forehead.

A little while later, Harvey was dragged out on a walk by Max, Tilly and Leo, Sara and Paul had gone shopping which left Mia alone at home. She props her phone up against the wall as she sits down on the chair, the live starting whilst she was trying to get comfy.

"Hello, hello hello." Mia says as she moves her hair behind her shoulder.

"Yes, my hair is blue now, I did it when I did Harvey's blue which he ruined, by the way." Mia answers a question as she shows off the blue in her hair.

"Yes, yes, I have seen the video of the Sway House boys, and no I do not care. Everyone has their own opinions but just to let you know Griffin is wrong." Mia laughs softly as she see's a request pop up on her screen from Noah Beck. She leans forward and accepts the request, waiting a few seconds for him to pop up.

"Hey, I'm glad you accepted me." Noah says as she smiles.

"I'm actually surprised to see you on here, I didn't know you followed me." Mia responds as he smiles.

"I'm sorry for what Griffin and Bryce said earlier, I didn't tell them to say that." Noah says softly as Mia shrugs.

"That's okay, I just didn't like the way they were speaking about Harvey." Mia responds as he nods.

"I understand that, and I'm sorry if I offended you by saying you were good looking." Noah apologises as Mia shakes her head.

"You don't have to apologise, really, I just hope you know that I'm very happy with Harvey and it's not gonna change anytime soon." Mia explains as she watches the boy nod.

"Oi who's Beck talkin' to?" She hears Griffin say in the background as he walks over.

"Griffin-" Noah goes to stop him but he sits down.

"Aye, chattin' her up are we? Where's the boyfriend Mia?" Griffin asks cockily as the door to Harvey's room opens.

"He's right here." Harvey grins as he walks over to her, snaking his arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her neck. Mia bites her lip in amusement as Harvey smirks at the phone before walking over to his bed. She looks at Griffin who looked shocked and embarrassed, the boy looking at Noah with a nod before he disappears.

"When did you get back?" Mia asks Harvey as she looks at him.

"Literally about 3 minutes ago, Max told me you were live." Harvey informs as she nods.

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