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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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April 15th, 2020

Mia bops her head along to the music coming through her earphones as she looks for a picture on her phone to draw on the canvas in front of her. She'd split the canvas up into 24, so she had 24 pictures to draw, paint and detail before she moved onto a different project. Harvey stares at her from across the table, bored out of his mind and wanting her to pay attention to him. Mia finally finds a picture, one of her and Tilly from the Cruise, the girl making sure her phone was on full brightness before she began drawing on the canvas.

Harvey sighs as he watches Mia in admiration, the pink-haired teenager just wanting his girlfriend to focus on him today rather than do her coursework. He stands up from his seat, making sure to scrape his chair extra loud against the floor to try and get her attention, being met with no reaction from Mia. He walks by her, pretending to trip and fall on the floor, waiting for her reaction only to receive absolutely nothing from her. He huffs as he stands up, walking out of the kitchen in a mood as Max looks at him.

"What's up with you?" Max inquires as Harvey falls on the sofa beside him.

"Mia won't pay attention to me." Harvey pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Leave her be, Harvey. She's doing coursework, important coursework." Sara warns her son as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"But she's being ignorant." Harvey whines.

"Leave her be, mate, she's busy." Max says to his twin before turning his attention back to the TV.

"Why does she have to be an Art student?" Harvey continues whining, Leo sighing and rolling his eyes.

He continues whining for the next hour whilst Mia completes her drawing, deciding to do another one after finishing the one of her and Tilly. Harvey walks into the kitchen to get a drink, looking over at his girlfriend to see her in the same position as she was earlier.

"Mia." Harvey whisper-shouts, not knowing she still had her Airpods in. She brings her hair behind her ears, the white earphones staring Harvey in the face as he rolls his eyes.

"Mia." Harvey taps her shoulder, the half-brunette, half-blonde looking up at her boyfriend.

"I'm a little busy, Harv, what's up?" Mia asks as he frowns.

"I'm bored." He whines softly, his mother hearing him from the other room.

"Well ask Max to do something then, I'm in the middle of doing this." Mia replies before pressing play on her Spotify again, the music drowning out Harvey's whining. He huffs and disappears out of the kitchen moments later, frustrated that Mia wasn't giving him all of her attention. He lies on his bed staring at his phone screen just as Mia finishes up the second drawing. She puts all of her art stuff away and makes her way upstairs, walking into Harvey's room as she takes her earphones out.

"Oh, hi." Harvey sits up, looking at her as she puts her stuff on his bedside table. She walks around the bed and goes to him, standing in front of him as he wraps his arms around her middle, resting his head on her stomach.

"Are you done?" Harvey asks softly.

"I am, now I can tend to my very needy boyfriend." Mia smiles as he pulls her onto his lap, the boy not wanting to let go of her. He sighs in content as she plays with his hair, Harvey lying against her chest, her legs on either side of him.

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