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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 20th, 2020

"Does Harvey know his shorts and shirt don't match?" Mia asks Dobby as she, Max, Harvey, Tom and Dobby stand outside of Tesco.

"I don't question it at this point Mia." Dobby responds before Tom starts filming. Mia stands behind Tom and Dobby as they talk to the camera, Mia looking her boyfriend up and down to get a good look of what he was actually wearing. The twins both run off inside the store with Tom and Dobby following with the Camera's, Mia deciding to go with Max and Tom to see what they were making.

"Mia you look scared." Max says as she looks at him.

"I'm just worried for Harvey and his fashion sense." Mia responds, causing him and Tom to laugh.

"If you don't know who Mia is, you're living under a rock." Max says to the camera as she rolls her eyes playfully. She follows the two boys around Tesco until they end up meeting with Harvey and Dobby.

"Mia just doesn't want to be seen with Harvey." Dobby laughs.

"I do not exist in this video, leave me alone." Mia exclaims as they laugh again.

"I think you're forgetting I drove you here, so I can quite easily leave you stranded at Tesco." Mia warns them.

"Everyone be nice to Mia!" Dobby says which causes her to laugh.

"I'll be back in a second." Mia tells them before leaving the aisle. She goes over to the Tesco Meal Deals section and picks up a pot of pasta, a fruit twist Fanta and a twirl before someone taps her on the shoulder.

"Amelia Parkinson, my my I've not seen you for nearly a year." Katie says as Mia nods slowly.

"Look at you, never seen you glowing this much, you're a lot chubbier than I remember." Katie smirks, watching Mia's face drop.

"Thanks." Mia responds as she notices Harvey in the corner of her eyes.

"It's a shame what happened with you and Harvey." Katie frowns sarcastically.

"I'm gonna go back to my boyfriend now, uh, I'll see you hopefully never again." Mia responds before she walks off, going back to Harvey and Dobby.

When they finally arrive back home, Mia sits behind the camera eating her Pasta whilst Max and Harvey create their desserts.

"Wait so if Tom and I are judging, what's Mia doing?" Dobby asks as she looks up from her phone.

"Judging Harvey's outfit." Mia responds, causing everyone but Harvey to laugh. When it does eventually get to 'Judging' time, Tom and Dobby stand behind the twins whilst Mia sat behind the camera praying they wouldn't ask her to taste any of it.

"Mia's gotten lucky, look at her just chilling over there with her pasta." Tom points as Mia laughs.

"Just in case you didn't know, Mia's behind the camera." Max informs as Mia sticks her hands up and waves which causes Max to laugh.

"She's just a hand now apparently." Harvey responds as he looks at his mysteriously quiet girlfriend. He smiles at her, the girl smiling back at him before he continues with his concoxion. By the time it had reached time for Tom and Dobby to judge what they had made, Mia had finished ¾ of her pasta and left the rest of it to one side. Dobby flicks a raspberry off the top of one of Max's cakes, the fruit landing right by Mia's foot so she picks it up to throw away when they were finished. Once the video was finished and they were beginning to pack away, Mia threw her pasta and the escapee raspberry away before Max had an idea.

"Mia, try this." Max exclaims as she turns to look at him.

"I don't like Cake." Mia responds as Max frowns.

"How can you not like cake?" Tom asks as she shrugs.

"She does like cake, I've watched her devour a Victoria Sponge Cake in one go." Dobby furrows his eyebrows as the four boys look at her.

"Stop lying." Max laughs as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Fine, but I'm not going anywhere near Harvey's." Mia warns as Max laughs, Harvey frowning. She tries one of his cupcakes, nodding at him which told him that she liked it whilst Harvey watched her.

"Mia you've gone pale." Tom tells her with concern as she puts the plate down on the counter.

"Max is tryna kill her." Dobby exclaims as Mia shakes her head.

"I'm just full." Mia informs them as Tom nods. She walks back to her chair and sits down, Harvey walking behind her and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You sure you're okay?" Harvey whispers, feeling her head nod against his.

"Who were you talking to in Tesco today?" Harvey asks as Mia looks at him.

"Katie." Mia responds.

"I thought I recognised her from somewhere." Harvey responds.

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