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March 12th, 2019

Mia sighs as she sits in detention with Dobby, the two of them having gotten in trouble for backchatting a teacher in Maths. Mia looks at Dobby as he smiles, the two of them trying their hardest not to laugh at each other but fail miserably when Dobby makes a weird noise, the two of them laughing loudly.

"What's so funny?" Mr Flitz asks as Mia goes quiet.

"Nothing, nothing." Dobby replies as he feels his phone buzz in his pocket.

I need you to distract Mr Flitz


I need to get Mia out of Detention fast,
we have our final rehearsal for our Exam
and she's gonna be late.


What do I get in return Harvey? :)

We'll discuss this after you distract Mr Flitz.

"Sir, Sir, I need your help!" Dobby says as Mr Flitz looks at him.

"What's wrong James?" Mr Flitz asks as Dobby keeps acting like he's in a frantic state. Mia sits in her seat confused as Harvey slips into the classroom unnoticed, tapping Mia on the shoulder as Mr Flitz turns his back to her.

"Come with me." Harvey whispers, picking up her bag as Mia looks at him like he's gone insane.

"Harvey, that's the Headteacher." Mia whispers back as he shrugs.

"Quick." Harvey says as she slips out of her seat quietly, the two of them making their way out of the classroom. What they didn't realise was going to happen was the door slamming behind Mia, the two of them looking at each other before sprinting down the halls so Mr Flitz wouldn't catch them.

"What about Dobby? Poor kid is stuck in Detention with Broccoli man." Mia frowns as Harvey laughs.

"I promised him something in return for distracting Mr Flitz, don't worry." Harvey grins as he opens the door for her, letting her walk by him.

"I'm gonna get in so much more trouble with him now." Mia responds as Harvey looks at her.

"Was it worth it though?" Harvey asks, watching her nod with a smile.

"Thank you."

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now