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August 10th, 2020

Mia sighs in relief as she finishes off the last piece of coursework she needed to complete, a smile making its way onto her face as she throws the pencil down on her desk. She walks out of her room with the completed drawing, dropping it into her father's lap to prove to him she'd finished before she grabbed her phone and laptop.

"See, only took you a week." Freddie says to try and wind her up but she'd already gone upstairs. She turns her phone back on, the mobile device lagging heavily due to how many notifications she'd missed. She manages to open her phone whilst the phone was still pinging, opening her messages to see around a thousand or so from Harvey. Instead of reading them all, she decides to facetime him to see what was going on because she wouldn't be able to read the messages.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Harvey exclaims the moment he picked up.

"What the fuck's happened? All I saw was Max, Hospital and Nearly died." Mia responds as Harvey shakes his head.

"I asked first." Harvey replies as she moves her phone so it's standing up against her wall.

"Well my dad saw how much coursework I hadn't done and took my phone and laptop off me until it was finished, and I finished probably like 2 minutes ago." Mia explains as Harvey nods.

"He really took your phone off of you?" Harvey asks, watching her nod.

"I was arguing with him last night over it, he wasn't budging so I was hoping to finish the last one this morning but it took me a lot longer than expected." Mia replies, watching him nod.

"Now, tell me what's happened." Mia comments as Harvey nods.

"So basically, Max got appendicitis, and when he got told he had it he had 24 hours to live so they operated straight away." Harvey informs her.

"Shit, I feel so bad for not answering." Mia frowns as Harvey shakes his head.

"You have a valid reason, don't worry. He's alright, just very out of it." Harvey tells her as she nods.

"Hi Mia!" Sara waves as she waves back to the older woman.

"Mia, come here!" Her dad shouts, Mia groaning as she picks her phone up and leaves her room.

"What now?" Mia asks as she gets to the bottom of the stairs, Harvey laughing to himself at how sassy she sounded.

"You chucked that on me and the paint was still wet." Her dad says as she looks at the red paint splattered on his white shirt.

"You'll live, stick some washing up liquid on it." Mia rolls her eyes playfully as her Dad laughs.

"How's everyone?" Freddie asks as she props her phone up in the kitchen, her dad standing beside her.

"Max had his appendix out because he nearly died." Mia explains, watching her dad's eyes widen.

"Yeah, I had the exact same reaction." Mia says as her dad nods.

"I apologise for not giving you your phone earlier, I just figured you'd get distracted by it." Freddie says as Harvey laughs.

"She never gets distracted when she's doing coursework." Harvey intervenes as her father walks to the fridge.

"You know what we should do?" Freddie asks his daughter as she looks at him.

"What should we do?" Mia replies, standing up straight as Harvey realises she was wearing a pair of his joggers and his hoodie.

"Oi, stop stealing my clothes, you." Harvey scolds her as she laughs.

"We should make dinner, but dinner will just be like ice cream or something because we have nothing in, watch the Cars franchise on Disney." Freddie responds as Mia smiles.

"If we have nothing in then just go to the shop." Mia replies as Freddie rolls his eyes.

"I was kidding, the fridge is full, I just don't have the effort to cook." Freddie replies as she laughs.

"I'll cook then, I don't mind." Mia replies, watching her father nod hesitantly.

"Can I go shower then?" He asks.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not 38 years old." Mia replies, causing him to laugh. He disappears from the kitchen as Harvey admires his girlfriend who was wandering around the room trying to find the ingredients she wanted.

"As a matter of fact, Juliet, keep that outfit." Harvey says to her as she walks over to her phone.

"I was going to anyway." She smiles cheekily before she gets the rest of the ingredients.

"What're you gonna make?" Harvey asks as she grabs the coconut milk from the fridge.

"Homemade Korma, and it's gonna be the best." Mia replies as he smiles.

"What can't you do? You can draw better than me, drive better than me and now you can cook better than me." Harvey whines which makes Sara laugh.

"When you guys get back I'll have to make you dinner." Mia offers, Harvey's eyes lighting up.

"That sounds great actually." Harvey responds as he watches Mia concentrate on cooking, smiling at her softly.

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