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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 15th, 2020

Lucee smiles as she watches Mia leave the Mills' household with a great struggle, Harvey not wanting to let go of her because he was feeling extra clingy today. Freddie rolled his eyes as Mia got in the car, the girl smiling to herself.

"What's he done to his hair?" Lucee asks as Freddie sets off driving.

"I think he's going through a midlife crisis at 17." Mia admits causing Lucee to laugh. Mia answers the many messages she was receiving from Harvey as her Father drove to London, Lucee falling asleep in the passenger seat. When they arrived, Freddie parked the car in a multistory car park and woke his girlfriend up, Mia getting out of the car to stretch whilst he did so.

"How are you and Harvey doing anyway Mia?" Lucee asks as the three set off walking to get out of the car park.

"We're great actually, he's a bit upset that I'm going back to Manchester soon but I'm sure he'll be fine." Mia responds, listening to see if her Father scoffs like he usually does.

"He seems like a bad influence on you Amelia, I remember you telling me you never wanted to dye your hair." Freddie admits as she rolls her eyes to Lucee, the teacher smiling at her a little.

"I bleached my hair on my own terms, kept it blonde for a few weeks until Harvey went purple." Mia retorts as they walk down the sunny streets of London together to find somewhere to eat.

"Don't come home pregnant Amelia, you won't be living with me." Freddie warns as she laughs.

"We've been living with his family, nothing's happened." Mia shrugs as Freddie presses the button at the crossing.

"Nothing?" Freddie looks at her in surprise as she nods.

"Don't act surprised, I'm still a good kid." Mia rolls her eyes as Lucee looks at her with the same look.

"I'm just as surprised as him really, Mia. You seemed so close earlier." Lucee shrugs at her, Mia shaking her head at the two.

"Wow, it's nice to know you think of me as a sex whore guys." Mia jokes before the three of them laugh.

"No but seriously, we've had the opportunity a few times but I wanna wait until I'm confident enough." Mia admits, watching her Dad and Step-Mum nod at her.

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