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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 26th, 2020

"Why don't you trust me to drive?" Harvey asks as he sits in the passenger seat of Mia's car, the girl switching through the radio stations to find one that was good.

"I do trust you to drive, my dad told me not to let you drive." Mia replies with a small laugh.

"Ah- rude." Harvey frowns as she reverses out of the driveway.

"To be fair, you would probably crash it." Mia comments as she sets off driving to London.

"But I like driving you around." Harvey whines, a smile forming on her face.

"I know you do, but I also like to drive my own car." Mia looks at him briefly to see what he was doing. He smiles at her, moving his hair out of his face before looking out of the window at his surroundings. The two of them dance along to the music on the radio whilst Mia drives on the M4, trying her hardest to concentrate on driving rather than Harvey who was having a mad one in the seat beside her. Harvey gets his phone out and goes on Instagram, recording the road before swapping his Camera around and zooming in on Mia who hadn't noticed. He ends the video on his face before uploading it to his story and tagging Mia.

By the time they had reached London, Mia had missed several phone calls from Lucee who was trying to get a hold of the teenager to tell Mia they were leaving tomorrow rather than on Friday. Mia parks up in a car park, making sure she had everything before her and Harvey got out of the car. Mia reads the messages on her phone from Lucee, the girl's heart dropping as Harvey slips his hand into hers.

"Lucee just told me we're leaving tomorrow and not on Friday." Mia sighs, putting her phone in her back.

"What, why?" Harvey asks sadly as she shrugs.

"Apparently she starts work on Wednesday next week so she needs to be back by then." Mia replies as he nods.

"I don't get why you can't just drive up on your own on Friday." Harvey comments, watching his girlfriend shrug again.

"Dad apparently doesn't trust me to drive 4 hours in a car on my own." Mia laughs as Harvey presses a kiss to her hand. The two of them walk down the street together, deciding to stop at Nandos for dinner before deciding what they want to do for the rest of the day.

"Usual?" Harvey asks, watching Mia nod softly. He gets up to go order as she sits in her seat, a group of boys sat in the booth in front all turning to look at her. Mia furrows her eyebrows as she tucks her curled hair behind her ears with an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. She looks at Harvey who was still ordering before looking back at the group in front of her, one of them smirking at her.

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