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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 14th, 2020

Mia sighs as she arrives at Asda, walking in with her earphones plugged in and a trolley at her hands. She walked around the shop collecting the ingredients for a homemade Pasta Carbonara, grabbing herself a few other things such as bagels, nutella and some sweets for the night ahead before she goes to pay. Once she had, she puts it all in the back of her car and walks back with the trolley.

"Oh my god! You're Mia Parkinson." Someone exclaims as she looks over at them, taking one of her airpods out.

"Hi." Mia smiles as the little girls Mum smiles. Mia takes a picture with her before going back to her car to drive home. When she arrives home, she takes everything inside and puts the bags on the counter before her phone buzzes. She walks outside, Katie staring at her from her front garden as Mia got the rest of her stuff out of the car, AKA the shopping bags she had from when she and Cara went out the other day. Katie watches as Harvey approaches the house, Mia putting all of her stuff down to hug the bleach-blonde haired boy.

"I'm so glad you and Max are okay." She mutters as Harvey picks her up off the floor. He grabs the bags of hers on the floor and walks inside, the girl laughing as he does so.

"Don't hit my head." She squeals as he shuts the front door.

"I'm so glad I'm home, it's been the most stressful week." Harvey says as he puts his girlfriend down.

"How's Max?" She asks as Harvey moves his hair out of his face.

"He's getting better thankfully." Harvey smiles as they both go into the living room. She sits down on the sofa, Harvey sitting beside her and resting his head on her stomach. Her hands play with the ends of his soft hair, the boy half-asleep with how soothing it felt for him.

"You smell like home." Harvey mumbles, causing a smile to break out onto her face.

"You also smell like perfume." He adds in as he moves so he can look at her.

"I'm surprised you didn't go see Dobby first." Mia admits as Harvey shakes his head.

"You're my main priority, like always." Harvey says softly as he sits up, pressing his lips to hers for the first time in two weeks. She kisses back, his hand reaching up to hold her cheek and pull her in even more so their chests were flush together. Harvey ends up sat with his back against the sofa, Mia on his lap with both of her legs on either side of his. What caused the kiss to end was the doorbell being rung multiple times, Mia sighing as she got off of his lap and walked to the door to see Katie stood there.

"What?" Mia asks as she holds the door, her foot behind it.

"Can I borrow some sugar?" Katie asks as Harvey walks into the hallway, moving to stand behind her.

"We don't have any." Mia lies, watching Katie look Harvey up and down.

"Surely you do, everyone always has sugar." Katie replies hesitantly as she watches Harvey's hands slip around Mia's waist.

"We don't, neither of us use it so what's the point in buying it?" Mia asks with a shrug.

"Right, okay." Katie nods as Mia slams the door in her face.

"Crazy bitch." Mia laughs as Harvey picks her up, her legs wrapping around his waist to keep herself from falling.

"To the kitchen we go Mills." Mia says as Harvey laughs, placing her down on the kitchen counter.

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