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February 10th, 2019

Mia sighs as she hides her necklace under her PE shirt so her teacher didn't catch her, making her way out of the changing rooms to stand with her GCSE group. Harvey watched as the teacher spoke to her about her coursework, nearly getting hit in the head by a dodgeball in the meantime. Max snaps him back into focus, well tries, considering he was still looking over at Mia constantly.

"Alright, you can go do your own thing now." her teacher says as Mia smiles, walking over to the dodgeball game and joining the team opposing Max and Harvey.

"Oh god, we're gonna get battered." Max says as she catches one of the balls that Max threw.

"See, already too good for this." Max says to Harvey as he goes to sit on the bench.

"I swear if you hit me with that I will pick you up and spin you around." Harvey says as she spins around on her foot, throwing the ball and hitting him on the leg.

"Whoops, go sit on the bench kiddo." She grins as he rolls his eyes playfully. She's caught off guard when she's hit on the side of the head with a ball that was a lot harder than a dodgeball, Harvey standing up on his feet as the coach stops the game.

"Mia are you okay?" Coach Stevens asks as Mia nods.

"Mia you've got a very angry girl coming towards you." Isaac says as Mia turns to see Katie walking towards her. When Katie gets to her she stands still, clearly showing Katie that Mia wasn't scared of her and was ready for whatever she had to say.

"You, you're a boyfriend stealing, little cow. I hope you know that Necklace means nothing to him, Mia, otherwise he wouldn't have given me one for my birthday last year. I don't know who you think you are but you don't go after my ex boyfriend and get away with it." Katie spits as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Get over yourself Katie, not everyone wants to be with you. Clearly Harvey broke up with you for a reason otherwise you'd probably still be together. You're gonna get nowhere in life acting like stuck up bitch, Katie." Mia spits back, catching everyone by surprise. Mia never usually stood up for herself when it came to Katie, but it seemed today she'd had enough.

"I'm the stuck-up bitch? At least my dad's not shagging a teacher so you can get higher grades." Katie retorts as Mia smirks.

"You think that bothers me? Really? You and I both know the only reason you hate me is because I got a higher grade than you in our mocks 3 years ago. Grow up please." Mia retaliates as Katie glares at her. Harvey makes his way to Mia quickly after overhearing the two of them bickering, knowing what Katie is capable of.

"Oh, so you need your boyfriend protecting you now, do you?" Katie seethes as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Jealous?" Mia smirks as Katie loses it, reaching over to try and slap her.

"Don't even dare Katie" Harvey says to his ex-girlfriend as the teacher walks over.

"Katie, changing rooms now, Mia the office." Miss Gregg says as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Go or I'll put you in isolation." Miss Gregg shouts as Katie walks off crying to try and see if she could get out of it.

"Harvey, let her go on her own." Miss Gregg says as Mia walks off and walks into the office, slamming the door behind her.

"That was very confident of Mia." Max says as Harvey sits beside him.

"So you're putting me in isolation for something I didn't start? Mia asks as Miss Gregg argues back to her.

"You retaliated, Mia, that's not what you're meant to do." Miss Gregg responds as Mia scoffs.

"So you expect me to stand there and let her say shit to me that's not true? I'm not gonna let you stand here and patronise me just 'cause I stood up for myself." Mia snaps as Max and Harvey watch the office door open.

"Mia if you walk out of this lesson I swear." Miss Gregg warns as Mia turns on her feet.

"Leave me the fuck alone." Mia responds before walking out of the sports hall.

"Harvey whatever you're thinking, don't." Max says as Katie walks back out with a smirk on her face, Harvey knowing she'd gotten away with it. Harvey stands up and makes his way over to Katie, her smirk wiped off her face.

"Finally realised Mia isn't worth it?" Katie asks as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Mia's totally worth everything I do. You on the other hand, oh you are not." Harvey says as Miss Gregg looks at the scene unfold.

"Harvey do not get involved or you'll be in isolation too." Miss Gregg says as Harvey shrugs.

"Stop being stuck-up, I only ever went out with you to get over my crush on Mia, and you can't let go of a relationship that happened months ago. Leave Mia alone, alright?" Harvey says as Katie bursts into tears again.

"Harvey, out." Miss Gregg says as Harvey makes his way out, smiling at his twin brother who thinks he was being completely idiotic but didn't care 'cause he knew he was doing it just for Mia. Harvey follows after Mia as she walks around the English block trying to calm herself down.

"Hey." Harvey grins as Mia looks at him.

"Shouldn't you be in PE?" Mia queries as he nods.

"I got kicked out." Harvey says as Mia rolls her eyes.

"You're gonna get me into trouble with Sara, I don't want her to hate me." Mia replies softly as Harvey wraps his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers.

"My mum could literally never hate you, ever, so you'll be fine." Harvey whispers as they hear keys jingling in the distance. They look at each other as the door to the hallway opens, Mia and Harvey making a dash for the other exit so they weren't picked up by SLT.

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