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June 5th, 2020

"Alright, today we're pranking my very lovely girlfriend Mia, I really hope she doesn't break up with me for this." Harvey laughs nervously as he props his phone up.

"So, Mia has an iPhone X that's completely battered, like the back of it's shattered and the front is hardly seeable because she drops it all the time, so we decided to destroy the broken phone and replace it with a new one." Max explains as they hold up the iPhone 11 Pro Max in Silver.

"Let's hope she doesn't abuse this phone." Max says as the two laugh.

"Alright, we got Tilly to distract her so we can set this up, so let's get going." Harvey says as Max takes the phone.

"Mia, come here." He calls his girlfriend as she walks into the kitchen, completely oblivious to what they were doing.

"He said he might be able to fix your phone." Max says as she rubs her tired eyes and hands her boyfriend her phone without hesitation.

"Is that a fly?" Harvey asks as he smashes her phone against the counter, the girl going completely dizzy as she watches her boyfriend smash her phone against the counter.

"Harvey!" She exclaims as the boy stops.

"What?" He asks innocently as she takes the phone from her hand.

"You made it worse, my dad's gonna kill me." Mia panics as he smiles at her.

"Why are you smiling? You've just smashed my phone." Mia furrows her eyebrows as he takes the phone from her.

"Max, do the honours." Harvey says as Max puts the iPhone 11 on the counter.

"Harvey you've just ruined my phone." Mia says in frustration as Harvey laughs.

"We bought you a new one." Harvey smiles as she furrows her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I made sure everything was saved to your iCloud this morning whilst you were asleep and made sure that we got you a proper case so you don't keep smashing it." Harvey smiles as she looks at the broken phone in her hand.

"You didn't have to." Mia sighs as she throws the broken piece of technology onto the kitchen counter.

"We wanted to, your phone is literally ruined." Max laughs as she hugs them both.

"Thank you." Mia grins as they press her to open the box.

"Wait this is huge-" Mia laughs as she takes it out. She turns it on and waits for the white screen to disappear, the picture of her and the Mills' family from Christmas there. She grins at the lockscreen and opens the phone, furrowing her eyebrows at the homescreen.

"I took that photo without you knowing, and I forgot to actually send it to you so I decided to make it your homescreen." Max grins, watching her return the smile.

"Thank you." Mia responds as she hugs them both again.

"Oh, and here's the case." Harvey says as he hands her a white box with Casetify plastered on the front. Mia opens the box to see the ketchup case Harvey had but with her name on, the girl laughing as she takes it out of the box.

"Now we match with the phone cases and our hair." Harvey grins as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Thank you." Mia grins as she hugs Harvey.

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