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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 11th, 2020

"I'm so glad we've got a long break on a Friday." Luke beams as the three friends walk off of the college grounds.

"We should go to Pizza Express." Mia suggests, her two friends agreeing happily.

"I can't believe you're leaving us." Isobel frowns.

"I can't either, but hey ho, I've still got a car." Mia responds, the girl moving her hair behind her shoulders.

"Imagine if we saw Harvey." Luke snorts, Mia rolling her eyes at him.

"Don't jinx it." Isobel giggles.

"I love how Mia's not actually chatted major shit about him yet." Luke looks at her.

"Because I've got nothing bad to say about him, now can we please drop the subject?" Mia questions, the three making their way to Pizza Express in Piccadilly Gardens.

"Garlic Dough Balls or nothing." Isobel warns.

"I'm so excited to absolutely devour this." Luke laughs, the three tucking into their Garlic Dough Balls. Once they'd finished those, they ordered their Pizza's and all got a top up of their drinks, the three friends discussing their Art Projects which Mia didn't need to complete now she was leaving the college.

"I unfollowed him when you showed us the messages." Luke admits.

"That's so petty." Isobel laughs.

"I'll pay, my treat considering I'm leaving." Mia says, paying for their meal. Luke and Isobel both thank her, the three friends leaving Pizza Express so they could go do some shopping in the Arndale.

"No fucking way." Isobel gasps, Mia behind them both tying up her shoes.

"Oooo, he's got something coming for him." Luke shakes his head angrily, making his way over to the group of boys.

"Guys, what the hell are you doing?" Mia whines, slowly making her way over to the commotion Luke was causing.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She hears a very familiar voice say, her face dropping when she reaches Luke and Izzie.

"Guys let's go." Mia speaks, everyone looking right at her. Harvey's eyes widened at the girl, having not seen her nose piercing, glasses or the under half of her hair which was now electric blue.

"I'm sorry, Harvey, but when did you think it was acceptable to break up with someone over text message?" Luke spits, the blonde best friend of Mia ready to take him down.

"You're such a lowlife, I'm surprised Mia's standing here so calm because if that was me I'd go off on you." Luke looks him up and down in disgust.

"You've got nerve coming anywhere near our town, Mills." Isobel seethes, Harvey standing there taking it all.

"Guys can we just go?" Mia asks, her two friends looking at her in shock.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Isobel asks, watching her shrug.

"Like I said earlier, I've got nothing bad to say about him, so please let's just go before we get into trouble for starting an argument." Mia sighs, tucking her hair behind her ears.

She made brief eye contact with Harvey, the blonde boy realising he'd made a terrible mistake ever listening to Freddie, but it was too late to turn back time and make amends.

"No, you know what, I'm sick of you sitting back and taking everything like it doesn't bother you, Mia, because it bothers you." Luke shakes his head, Mia rolling her eyes and running her hand through her hair in response.

"You're an inconsiderate little posh twat, I'm actually kind of glad you broke up with Mia because it means she can actually have guy friends without you being a jealous asshole." Luke begins again.

"Luke, stop." Mia sighs.

"Why?! He's an asshole, he deserves to hear about it." Luke responds.

"My brother isn't an asshole." Max speaks.

"Pipe down pipsqueak." Luke rolls his eyes.

"Luke shut up for fucks sake! You're starting something for absolutely no reason, just leave it." Mia shakes her head.

"Mia-" Luke begins, Mia rolling her eyes.

"I don't care what you have to say anymore, stop calling Harvey an asshole and stop causing a scene in the middle of town. Let's just go before we're late back to college." Mia huffs, both of her friends looking at her in shock.

"You're not getting my point."

"I get your point exactly, but this isn't your relationship to meddle in. Leave it alone." Mia shuts him down, Harvey looking at her in surprise. She looks back at the group and waves, apologising to them before walking away, her two friends following her.

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