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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 27th, 2020

"No, you can't go." Harvey whines as Mia gets out of bed, the boy groaning at the loss of warmth beside him.

"I have too." Mia sighs as he sits up, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Can't you just drop out of college?" He asks, watching her shake her head no.

"You've just spent 6 months with me, how aren't you bored of me?" Mia asks, listening to him scoff.

"I'll never get bored of you love." Harvey replies with a genuine look on his face. She walks over and kisses him softly before kneeling down to grab her shoes from the floor, walking out of his room to go change in the bathroom. Max walks into Harvey's room with the same frown on his face, sitting beside his twin brother on his bed.

"Does she have to go?" Max asks as Harvey sighs, nodding sadly.

"Who's gonna make us hot chocolate when we're upset?" Max whines as they both sit against the headboard. Mia walks in minutes later completely dressed for the day, her hair half tied so it's not in her way all day. She changes her industrial to a black bar, changing her tragus to a black one as well before she puts her earrings in and throws her pyjamas into her bag.

"We condemn you to leave." Max exclaims as she turns to look at them both.

"I've got an hour before I go, it's too late." Mia retorts as she looks at herself in the mirror again before she zips her bag up.

"If you want your presents come downstairs." Mia blackmails them before leaving Harveys room.

"She's got presents." Max says excitedly before swiftly moving from his position, following the girl downstairs. Harvey chucks on a random jumper from his wardrobe before following Max downstairs, the two of them standing in the living room where Mia was.

"You didn't have to get us anything Mia." Sara says as Mia shakes her head.

"I wanted too, I mean I have been living here for 6 months and haven't really done much to help you so." Mia responds as Harvey stands behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist protectively.

"Slime! Yes!" Tilly beams as she gets up to hug Mia. Leo does the same thing after opening his new phone case from her, Sara and Paul looking at each other before opening theres.

"I love how she forgot her own boyfriend." Max laughs as he sits down.

"He's already got his." Mia informs him, Max watching his twin brother nod before he rests his head on her shoulder.

"Millie this is lovely." Sara says as she admires the bag Mia had bought her. It all goes silent when they hear Mia's phone start ringing, Harvey letting her go whilst she goes to the kitchen to answer the call.

"I'll be out in a second." Harvey hears Mia say, his whole mood changing in an instant. She walks back into the living room with a sad smile as everyone gets up to give her a tight hug. Harvey smiles a little as he watches Mia embrace Tilly, picking her up off of the floor for the added excitement.

"You're making it out like I'm leaving for war." Mia laughs as she hugs Paul. She hugs Max tightly, telling him to make sure to give her updates on how he's feeling and to make sure his brother is okay before she gets to Harvey.

"If you cry I'm gonna end up crying so stop it." Mia whispers as he looks at her. She wraps her arms around him tightly, the boy hugging her back just as tightly with his head nestled in the crook of her neck.

"Make sure you text me or I'll be up in Manchester like that." Harvey snaps his fingers, a smile forming on her face.

"Gimme a kiss loser." She says, the boy kissing her softly before her phone starts ringing again.

"Right Lucee's annoyed at me now so I have to go, I love you." She whispers, pressing a kiss to his forehead before letting go of him. She grabs her car keys and her phone before leaving the house, getting into her car and sorting her music out before she pulls out of the driveway.

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